Indiana Wesleyan University, 
Union Centre Campus
9286 Schulze Drive, 
West Chester, OH  45069
The  2nd Amendment Advocates Coalition is a uniquely effective organization in gaining the support of our elected officials to support our 2A rights. The big fringe benefit is that this support aligns closely with all things Conservative. Come and hear how this works like magic on our behalf.   
Also, hear  from Sean Maloney,
2nd Call Defense, who

will inform us about the benefits of insurance if you have a permit to carry.

Up-Coming Events – Tentative
Michelle Heywood -Twitter Lessons 
January 16th
Twitter reaches millions of people.
         We as a Tea Party want to educate the community of West Chester, and as many others as possible. Our atmosphere is saturated by liberal media.  Conservatives constantly hear 
messages from the “fake news” outlets. Some of us will not be affected by these falsehoods, but those who don’t research to find the truth can be led astray. Since we know what is really happening, we want to save our country by sharing our knowledge with others. Twitter is an excellent way to do this. Come, learn with us, so together we can get the word out.
Tom Zawistowski – February 6th.
Good Ways to Spread the Word Locally
         As mentioned above, those who have been attending our meetings know how important it is to educate the local people. We are one of the few groups able to accomplish that. Since we’re not all comfortable doing things in the same way, we will have Tom Z. speak to us about multiple ways we can work together to put our township “in the know.” We’ll offer options which will include something you’ll want to choose.
Lisa Watson’s Home Schooling Project – March (exact date not set)
         Common Core is stealing the souls of our children. Until we can eliminate this method of teaching from this country or state, we can save some of them by removing them from the public schools. Those interested in working on this project, please contact us at our website. We will meet in January to begin the work.
Loren Spivack – The Economy Workshop – April (dates not set)
         Loren Spivack, an economist, spoke at one of our meetings this past year. His message was right to the point, and easily understood. Anyone who passed by the doors of our room at Indiana Wesleyan University wondered why they heard laughter. How funny can the economy be? If you’ve read any of Loren’s books, modeled on Dr. Suess’ works, you would understand immediately. Mr. Spivack is returning to hold a two-three day workshop on the economy. ‘Better set April aside. You don’t want to miss this. The walls of the room are not spandex. We can hold only so many eager learners.
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board

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