The Southwest Ohio Republican Party Chairmen Challenge
Will Butler County be the champion?YES
2018 is a very important election. For Ohio to stay RED, Southwest Ohio needs to turn out BIG.
We are the Red Wall that protects Ohio from that Blue Wave.
In response, four big Southwest Ohio Republican Party Chairmen – Jeff Monroe in Warren County, Alex Triantafilou in Hamilton County, Todd Hall in Butler County and Greg Simpson in Clermont County – have laid down a major challenge to each other over the next seven weeks.
These four chairmen are pitting against each other to see which county can do the most voter contacts 

through the Ohio Republican Party Advantage system, door to door voter visits and phone calls.
Each Friday we will share the results to see who is getting it done!
Join the team on Facebook for updates on the Challenge.  The Chairmen and Candidates will be sharing what they are doing on the ground. 
Here is how you can get involved, help all of our Republican Candidates, and take your county GOP to victory in the first SW Ohio Chairmen Challenge!
How to get involved!
Contact your county’s Ohio Republican Party Field Organizer (see below). Your Field Organizer will give you a login to our Advantage System and a bit of training on how to use it.  This is a computer, tablet or cell phone app system. Any device will work. It is 100% private and computer-based. No one will ever see your phone number.
Make Contacts from home or from one of the GOP Offices: With this login, you can make phone calls at one of our phone banks or make calls from home. The login is also used to go door to door. You can meet up at one of our door to door organizing locations or you can go door to door on your own time in your neighborhood.
For the challenge, each door is equivalent to 6 phone calls.  Knocking on a door is more time consuming and makes more of an impact.  So we are weighting phones to door –  6 to 1 in the scoring.  
Get involved.  Make a difference and elect our Republican candidates.  Share this challenge on Facebook or anywhere online with your
Persistence over Resistance.
Butler County
Contact to get a login
Chris Rezac, Butler County ORP Field Organizer
513-889-8785 | crezac@ohiogop.org
Butler County Phone Bank – Butler County GOP Office
When: EVERY Thursday 6-8pm
Where: 3431 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011.
In Bridgewater Falls Mall, behind Party City.
Door to door Organizing Location for Butler County – Butler County GOP Headquarters
When: EVERY Saturday. 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Where: Butler County Republican Party Headquarters.
3431 Princeton Road Hamilton, OH 45011 | In Bridgewater Falls, behind Party City.–

Know who to vote FOR – Get Your Ohio Conservative Voter Guide NOW and then Send the Link to EVERYONE!


Download the E-Slate Card to your Phone or Computer HERE

Vote Absentee and Ask Others to Do So!

It’s real simple, we need to turn out everyone who voted for Trump in Ohio in 2016, and even those who didn’t

 in 2016 but NOW like what the President is doing for them and the country and want him to keep doing it!  How do we do that? Obviously, you want to talk to friends and relatives who support Trump and tell them how important it is for them to vote this time if they want to keep the benefits that we have gotten since we elected Trump.  But before you talk to them, go to this link and print a bunch of Absentee Ballot Request forms and give them to friends to fill out and send in to their county Board of Elections. Then get them the E-Slate Card above so they know which conservative candidates should get their vote. You can even print one out for them by putting in their name and county and street address and then printing the slate card so you can hand it to them. Voting early by absentee ballot guarantees their vote gets in, and get’s counted, and saves our candidates money because they
will then stop sending them expensive campaign materials!
Because the midterm elections are so important,
we’ve changed the venue for the

October 2nd TEA PARTY meeting to the Hamilton Elks, rather than Indiana Wesleyan, and invited Tom Z., the great motivator, to speak to the group.
We sent invitations to other liberty groups in the area to take part in the event as well.


We offered to use our bulk-mail license and to stuff envelopes for Central Committee members who want to get letters out to the precinct, whether by door-to-door, or post-office distribution.
This extends to anyone in the county.
That’s where YOU come in. Remember the fun we had the last time in Charis’ lower room with DONUTS and COFFEE!  Godfrey told us stories; Alice tried to stop him; Chuck sang songs to us; and nobody sealed an envelope as well as Tony! Well, that good time awaits you again. We need about 10 people for each get-together, and we’ve scheduled three of those on Fridays: Sept.21, Sept. 28, and Oct.5, so the letters can go out before early voting.
Please plan to come. The more volunteers, the shorter the time. We’re not sure when the CC members will be ready with their labels, walking lists and letters. Are you willing to let us inform you on Thursday evening, about gathering the next day? That would really help. Writing letters takes time. They just don’t seem right until you’ve edited them over and over.
Please email Pam at wc36pj@yahoo.com for an opportunity to join the fun!!
In Liberty,
The West Chester Tea Party Board

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