will be held at:
9300 Allen Road, West Chester
Please inform your friends of the new place if they do not receive our emails.
Our program will feature
Dinesh D’Souza’s
“Death of a Nation,”
a film which was shown in neighborhood theaters for a short time last month. It’s packed with factual information about the history of DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS in our country, and the role PROGRESSIVISM has played.
We know you’ll love the film because of the beautiful way the events are portrayed. Some people want to purchase the musical score, just to play it over and over again.
As the film ends, you will sit there thanking your ancestors for giving up their fatherlands, coming here, and struggling to form a new nation so that you can enjoy the privilege of living in the most wonderful country on earth.
You will feel your inner patriotism wanting to explode for all to see and hear. Please share this event with us.
What better food to serve with a video,
There will be bags of it for everyone.
You might also want to bring your leftover Halloween candy to share.
Of course, we’ll have other snacks at 6:30,
so please remember to bring something if it’s convenient.
Voting Information:
We hope you’ve heard that many
absentee votes will be discounted due to the fact that the form didn’t have enough
blanks to enter your
entire driver’s-license number.
If you received an absentee ballot beforeOct.11
and used your drivers license for your ID, call the Board of Elections.
“The error was noticed when a military voter brought the issue to the board’s attention, but it was not in enough time to reprint and re-stuff envelopes to mail the correct form out.
Any requested vote-by-mail (absentee) ballot postmarked on Oct. 11 or later has the corrected form.”
In Liberty,
The West Chester Tea Party Board