WEST CHESTER TEA PARTY TUESDAY, MARCH 2ND ST. GERTRUDE, THE GREAT CHURCH 6:30 SNACKS, 7PM MEETING 4900 RIALTO RD WEST CHESTER, 45069 ************************ Robert Owens, of the John Birch Society, will give a PowerPoint on the NY Times’ controversial 1619 Project vs. 1776 founding. The Project is a distortion of our history. It says the U.S. was founded to protect and promote slavery. JBS declares that “Education is our total strategy, and truth our only weapon. Less government, more responsibility, and – with God’s help – a better world.” We need to be aware of the indoctrination from the Left (the Woke, Cancel Culture, which includes Critical Race Theory – total Marxism) that is taking place in businesses, churches, academia and especially now in our elementary schools. It starts with awareness and then activism or we will lose! The Ohio State Board of Education in July of 2020 passed a resolution which is more than disturbing. They decided to evaluate Ohio schools for bias, hate speech, white privilege and white supremacy. The conservatives tried to talk reason into the liberals on the board, but they got nowhere. We should thank our District 3 Rep Charlotte McGuire who voted NO! Call her @ (937) 287 3603 Read Here ************************** Today the U.S. House may vote on the Equality Act which is about redefining the term “sex” as the biological reality of being male or female, to an unscientific, self-declared perception or feeling of “gender identity”. It will force public facilities to allow men and boys who identify as women or girls to use the same bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, domestic violence shelters, and prisons as females. It will discriminate against religious views and force people to work against their conscience, such as funding abortions. Read Here Thank Rep. Warren Davidson who said he will vote NO! (202) 225-6205 Alert our senators about the Equality Act but also tell them: DO NOT CONFIRM Transgender Dr. Rachel Levine for Assist. Health Secretary. Today, Sen Rand Paul did not get an answer from Levine when he asked if children should be able to make a decision about changing their gender. Shockingly, the Left is changing our culture as fast as they can and we need to RISE UP! If we don’t, life will be changed drastically. We have to call our senators. Sen. Portman: 202-224-3353, Email: www.portman.senate.gov/meet/contact Sen. Brown: 202-224-2315, Email: www.brown.senate.gov/contact/email Just tell them to vote NO, make it simple ****************************************** Tom Z’s podcast from Feb. 13, posted in our last CC, was removed from YouTube which we regret. They’ve removed ALL his podcasts. Since Constant Contact only allows YouTube videos, not Rumble or BitChute, etc., we can only post the link to videos now. To view Tom’s podcasts, visit: wethepeopleconvention.org ******************************************** PATRIOT AMERICA March 6, 2021 10 A.M. – NOON CHANGE OF LOCATION, Now SOLID ROCK CHURCH 903 Union Rd, Lebanon, OH 45036 PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR RED “PATRIOT AMERICA” PACKET AT THE DOOR. It’s time to work locally, run for office, learn your constitution, attend local community meetings, work the polling locations and take our nation back. It’s time to hold our public officials accountable. It’s time to take America back! Our email address is Patriot America76@gmail.com ************************************ SNACK TABLE Thank you all for sharing with others. We appreciate your efforts to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone. *********************************** |
In Liberty, West Chester Tea Party Board Visit our website: westchesterteaparty.org and facebook.com/westchesterteaparty |
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