WEST CHESTER TEA PARTY TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST ST. GERTRUDE, THE GREAT CHURCH 6:30 SNACKS, 7PM MEETING 4900 RIALTO RD WEST CHESTER, 45069 Our speaker will be Dr. Douglas G. Frank, who is the (Cincinnati) physicist who was on Mike Lindell’s 2nd moviedocu, Scientific Proof . He presents evidence that Biden stole not only the electoral college but also the popular vote, and he estimates that Biden actually lost by over 12 million votes. Frank, who holds a PhD in the data-heavy field of surface electronic chemistry, uncovered a highly sophisticated and uniform computer attack on voting machines in every state he has investigated so far. The attack used a template created from the 2010 Census data that guided an algorithm in creating votes for Biden where none had been cast. It also flipped numerous down-ballot congressional and judicial elections in red and blue states alike, putting Democrats into seats they had not won. How Mike Lindell uncovered the truth of election fraud Read Here ************************************************** OHIO HOUSE HEALTH COMMITTEE HEARING ONREP. JENNIFER GROSS’ BILL HB 248 NO VACCINE MANDATE OR PASSPORT) TUESDAY, MAY 18TH, CHANGE OF TIME!!! 10:00 AM ROOM 121 Visit: voteyesonhb248.com We need to fight for our medical freedom! A vaccine passport could lead to a credit score like they have in China!! Please attend this. This is so important! Rep. Gross needs as much support and prayers as we can give her!!! ************************ There’s another bill that needs our attention the same day! H.B. 73 would eliminate the end of course exams for American Government and American History and end Ohio’s current curriculum requirement of teaching American Government and American History in grades 8-12 which is a success story. The bill is currently in the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee and scheduled for an opponent hearing on Tuesday, May 18th at 3:00 p.m. in room 313. If you can’t attend in person, you can submit written testimony or you can send a brief message to each member of the committee or at least to the Chair and Vice Chair, telling them to oppose H.B. 73. Here is a sample message- feel free to use it! Or CALL Gayle Manning, Chair – (614) 644-5076 https://www.ohiohouse.gov/members/gayle-manning/contact Adam Bird Vice Chair – (614) 644-6034 https://www.ohiohouse.gov/members/adamcbird/contact **************************************** Our District 8 Rep. Warren Davidson proposed legislation Wednesday that would fire Dr. Anthony Fauci from his position as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Read here. Call his office and thank him (513) 779-5400 **************************************** Governor Mike DeWine unveiled a program to entice Ohio adults and children alike to get the COVID vaccine on Wednesday – the State of Ohio will give away 5 $1M prizes and five college scholarships. Winners will be drawn weekly over five weeks from a pool of vaccinated Ohioans. READ HERE Watch former Rep. Candice Keller’s comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmvwCz31f7s ******************************************************** We hope you have gone to stopcriticalracetheory.com website and signed the pledge. We need people to get involved to stop this indoctrination in our schools. Go to the Action tab but also DO THIS: Comments are being received at the Federal Register website on the latest push to change American History and Civics Education. The proposed rule change is coming out of the Biden U.S. Department of Education. Make comments here by May 19, 2021, only 3 days from now. **************************************************** SNACK TABLE We appreciate whatever wonderful food you want to bring. Your efforts will provide an enjoyable experience for everyone. ***************************************************In Liberty, West Chester Tea Party Board Visit our website: westchesterteaparty.org and facebook.com/westchesterteaparty “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty” – Thomas Jefferson |
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