We have Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (15 min. segments) of our October 4th meeting with Dr. Frank. With our basic package on Vimeo we are only allowed 5GB a week. We may have to upgrade. Part 6 will be out next week. Thanks for your patience. Here are the 5 parts: Part 1 https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/759115164, Part 2 https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/759118366, Part 3 https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/759121874, Part 4 https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/759124378, Part 5 https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/759126922 |
BUTLER CO BOARD OF ELECTIONS “LOGIC & ACCURACY” MACHINE TESTING. THIS TOOK PLACE TODAY, OCTOBER 14, 10AM, BOE @ 1802 PRINCETON RD. Public was Invited We’re sorry we didn’t get this posted soon enough but some of us went and asked questions of the people in charge. There were a few really sharp citizens with tech skills there that asked some very good questions. They gave the technicians Dr. Frank’s info, etc. on Butler Co. elections and told them that Dr. Frank would be willing to meet with them. They’re giving them time to absorb the materials they gave them and we’ll post more as we get details. From Dr. Frank’s telegram page: “People around the country have been asking me to attend the “logic and accuracy” testing of their election systems. It’s kind of a waste of time for me to be there…First of all, the “logic and accuracy” tests themselves are a complete charade: 1) Every programmer understands that they can make software behave differently on different days with a single line of code. 2) Every IT person understands that whenever someone puts any kind of portable media (e.g. thumb drives) into a device it can reprogram that device. So, if someone were to attend such an event, I would suggest that they ask the following two questions: 1) Do you perform logic and accuracy tests randomly throughout the election, or just before and after? (They said they do NOT DO IT DURING, only before) 2) Do you use portable media to transfer any of the election information? (YES, THEY DO) He said, “It might be worth attending such an event if there were others in the room. You would be educating them, and it would be fun to watch the officials squirm!!“ (They did look a bit uncomfortable. So glad we had knowledgeable people there.) |
NO PUBLIC COMMENTS Those of us who attended the Lakota School Board Meeting this past Monday, Oct. 10, and who signed up to speak at the meeting, were outraged when under legal advice from their attorney, Alex Ewing, they suspended public comments for the near future. Mr. Ewing stated “The district was recently sued, alleging that its public participation policy is unconstitutional. As a result, the board needs to consider revisions to its public participation policy. Until that process is completed, and to avoid additional, unnecessary and costly litigation,” he advised the school board temporarily suspend its public participation policy. This was voted on and all board members except for Darbi Boddy approved the motion. In the law suit against the school board, the judge felt the board was being unconstitutional in not allowing conservatives to speak about the superintendent. They have been very one sided. It appears that the board made the decision because they’re concerned about us speaking negatively about the superintendent. They claimed that this crisis is costing more money because of lawyer fees but they’re bringing this on themselves. It’s possible that recently there was some reconciliation and they may allow public comments at the November 7th meeting. There have been two articles yesterday in the Enquirer and HERE is a link to the Journal-News article. There are two new Rich Hoffman articles since the meeting: https://gunfighterguide.shop/2022/10/12/the-lakota-school-board-knew-all-along-her-side-of-the-story/, https://gunfighterguide.shop/2022/10/14/the-dumb-idea-lakota-had-to-crush-public-comments-we-need-more-school-board-members-like-darbi-boddy/ |
FAIRFIELD MISSING GOP COMMITTEE PERSONS IN 19 PRECINCTS!! At our Oct. 4th meeting, Rep. Jennifer Gross told us that Fairfield has 19 precincts which do NOT have any GOP committee captains (or chairmen) which is devastating. If you live in Fairfield, please step up and become a precinct chairman or at the very least, you can help by taking literature around your precinct to alert your neighbors to the upcoming election. We have to win this election!! |
![]() Here are the links for this event. To watch the trailer: https://ohiobattlegroundalliance.com/calendar, To Register https://www.simpletix.com/e/capitol-punishment-a-movie-about-january-6-tickets-116153 |
In Liberty, West Chester Tea Party Board |