Come Watch the Movie and Address Letters

Please join us one week from this Saturday when we view the movie, “The 1916 Project” (TRAILER IS BELOW) and then follow that up with action aimed at getting Christians who are registered but don’t typically vote, to go and vote their Christian values. The latter is part of the WriteNow 2024, My Faith Votes Campaign.
We need two things to accomplish this mission.
We want and need for each of you to stay after the movie and prepare 10 letters for mailing.
We need postage stamps. Please bring one book of stamps with you. Even if you aren’t staying to help sign and address the pre-printed letters, you can buy postage stamps and donate them to those of us staying to do the work.
Please come, bring someone with you and forward this information to everyone on your email list.
Saturday, October 19th

Don’t miss this shocking movie

The 1916 Project Movie

The 1916 Project is a significant documentary that seeks to reveal the concealed history behind the secular moral revolution and the architects responsible for the present culture of death.
This film meticulously examines the origins and motivations behind America’s progressive cultural shift, particularly highlighting the establishment of the first Planned Parenthood clinic by its founder in 1916, an event that set in motion a moral revolution with profound repercussions globally.
The documentary draws a direct line of connections from Planned Parenthood to the atrocities of the Nazis and the contemporary Democratic Party, while also exploring unexpected connections to entities such as Playboy magazine, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and ancient practices linked to the god Molech.
The revelations presented in this film are not only shocking but may also evoke a strong emotional response, compelling viewers to reassess their understanding of history and its implications. For those who have struggled to articulate their pro-life beliefs amidst the pervasive influence of progressive narratives, this documentary serves as a vital resource, equipping them with the knowledge and clarity needed to counteract misleading ideologies.
Engaging with The 1916 Project can foster a deeper understanding of civic responsibility, ultimately empowering individuals to uphold their rights and obligations as informed citizens in our society, one of these obligations is to go and make an informed vote.

The Place: Freedom Church
3755 Cornell Road
Sharonville, OH 45241

The Date:
Saturday, October 19th

The Time:
10:00 am to 1:00 pm 
The Cost:
Although donations will be accepted

The 1916 Project is available free of charge. Please inform us if you plan to attend. Let us know if you are going to stay to help with the WriteNow2024 campaign.
To register please email with the names and emails of those planning to attend.

Please forward this invitation on to everyone you know and plan on bringing at least one other person with you. Also, bring postage stamps!

WriteNow2024 Campaign
Bring Postage Stamps Please
Please Register Today!

You can’t walk your precinct very well and you don’t like to make phone calls, but you want to do something meaningful, something that could have a real positive impact on this upcoming election?
Join the movement that is lifting the Christian vote in the 2024 elections.
Have you felt alone standing for biblical values in America? Do you look around, see the problems in the world, and wonder “what can I do?” Sadly, in frustration, millions of Christians choose to sit on the sidelines.
Did you know that 1 in 3 Christians doesn’t vote?
That’s about 25 million people!
YOU can help change that statistic.
Join the letter-writing movement that is empowering Christians to make their voices heard at the polls, inspiring millions to not only participate in the electoral process but to do so with a commitment to their biblical values. This initiative serves as a rallying cry for individuals to embrace their civic responsibility, reminding them that their votes are not merely a reflection of personal preference, but an extension of their faith and moral convictions. By encouraging one another to engage in this vital civic act, we can collectively drive meaningful change and strengthen the foundations of our society, ensuring that our shared values resonate in every election.
After watching the 1916 Project documentary, we will sign and address letters to non-voting Christians mostly living in the battleground States for the WriteNow2024 campaign. The process is easy!
BBFL will print the letters and provide the envelopes. All we need you to do is sign the letters and address the envelopes. Simple.
Please prayerfully consider joining our letter writing campaign today! Make an impact on this election.
For more information go to:

In Liberty,
The West Chester Tea Party BoardVisit our website: and

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