Hamilton Elks Golf Club
4444 Hamilton-Middletown Rd,
Liberty Township, OH 45011
Because this election is sooooo important, we have invited Tom Zawistowski (Tom Z.) to speak to our group.

We know the Liberals are working, doing everything in their power to win so they can impeach Trump.
We have to win this election!
They have already declared that they will take the House. We must vote RED in November, and no matter what the sacrifice, we must gather others to join us.
Change of Meeting Place for October!
We are hoping to gather as many people as possible to listen to and be inspired by Tom Z. There’s a lot of information we know absolutely nothing about that is just waiting to fill our minds. Please ask all your friends to come along. We know they won’t be disappointed. Hopefully,
through this meeting we can get out
many more voters!!
Though we don’t know what subjects he’ll bring up when he comes, here are some issues Tom could discuss with us:
– Our Top Goals for the 2018 Election
– The Ohio Slate Card Controversy
– Where We Stand Right Now in the Elections
-The Legal Action Sessions is Exploring against Social Media
– The Association between Bob Woodward and the FBI
…and so much more.
The Elks’ room comes with snacks. The only type of food we can bring is dessert.
If you can bring something for our table, it must be some kind of after-dinner treat.
Open Bar
We cannot bring any drinks, but there is an open bar where you can get water, coffee, soda, and alcohol. (The only thing you
can’t get is drunk! 🙂
If you’d like to get there early and have dinner before the meeting, the Elks’ restaurant, T-Byrds is open. You might want to try it.
Central Committee Members
If you plan to send a mailed letter or take a letter around door-to-door to the people in your precinct, we can help. The WCTP has a bulk-mail license. We will be happy to stuff your envelopes and get them ready for you. We have set aside Fridays, Sept. 21, Sept. 28, and Oct. 5, from
9 a.m. – noon on each of those days to work on the letters. Pam will be glad to give you all the information. Please contact her at wc36pj@yahoo.com or call her cell phone:
(513) 600-3851.
In Liberty,
The West Chester Tea Party Board