When: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Where: Life Church, 8480 Cincinnati Columbus Rd (US 42)
Time: 6:30 pm Doors open, food served, 7:00 pm Meeting
Speaker: Caleb Franz, Turning Point USA
We are still having our meeting even though the weather outside is “frightful”. We’ll be warm and “toasty” INSIDE with food aplenty.
Our guest is driving 110 miles EACH WAY to be here and speak to you. Please join us to hear Ohio University student, Caleb Franz, who is a member of the Speakers’ Bureau for www.turningpointusa.net. a 501(c)3 non-profit student organization, founded on June 5, 2012 by Charlie Kirk, a dynamic 20 yr. old from Chicago. The organization’s mission is to educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. Turning Point USA activists come from all 50 states. With presence on over 750 college campuses nationwide, TPUSA is the fastest growing youth movement in America.
Babies born today owe the most in debt, High School students 2nd and College students are third, inheriting $956,838 in debt.(2015) This is disgraceful.
We’re not only interested in hearing about his organization but ALSO finding out how we can connect with college students in our area. Come and help us learn more.
In addition, we will have reports on the most important current issues and we’ll spend a small amount of time being active by writing a short note to our legislator. We’ll provide some sample sentences, paper, pens and if you can, we’d appreciate it if you could help us with the cost of your stamp. Our desire is to more active and make a difference and we hope you will agree.
See you tonight!
Yours in Liberty,
The WCTP Board
Charis Peterson