Author Archives: Angela

West Chester Township Meeting


TIME: 6:00 PM

WHERE: West Chester Township
Administration Building
9113 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd.

This Trustee meeting Tuesday is one of the busiest that you will see. Lots of items on the agenda. There would be no better meeting to attend to see how townships actually operate.

This is an excellent opportunity to stand up for fiscal responsibility in West Chester, see the township government in action because of its longer than usual agenda, and show some tea party strength in a non-confrontational way, all the while letting people know we’re still alive and working.

This really is an opportunity for those wanting to build on their information about township government, quasi-governmental agencies and opportunities to get involved.

If you are interested in speaking, you’ll need to be there before 6:00 to sign in. For details, go to: and click on the February 24 Trustee Agenda

This is a good one not to miss!

West Chester Tea Party Board

West Chester Tea Party Meeting, Thursday, February 19


When: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Where: Life Church, 8480 Cincinnati Columbus Rd (US 42)
Time: 6:30 pm Doors open, food served, 7:00 pm Meeting
Speaker: Caleb Franz, Turning Point USA

We are still having our meeting even though the weather outside is “frightful”. We’ll be warm and “toasty” INSIDE with food aplenty.

Our guest is driving 110 miles EACH WAY to be here and speak to you. Please join us to hear Ohio University student, Caleb Franz, who is a member of the Speakers’ Bureau for a 501(c)3 non-profit student organization, founded on June 5, 2012 by Charlie Kirk, a dynamic 20 yr. old from Chicago. The organization’s mission is to educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. Turning Point USA activists come from all 50 states. With presence on over 750 college campuses nationwide, TPUSA is the fastest growing youth movement in America.

Babies born today owe the most in debt, High School students 2nd and College students are third, inheriting $956,838 in debt.(2015) This is disgraceful.

We’re not only interested in hearing about his organization but ALSO finding out how we can connect with college students in our area. Come and help us learn more.

In addition, we will have reports on the most important current issues and we’ll spend a small amount of time being active by writing a short note to our legislator. We’ll provide some sample sentences, paper, pens and if you can, we’d appreciate it if you could help us with the cost of your stamp. Our desire is to more active and make a difference and we hope you will agree.

See you tonight!

Yours in Liberty,

The WCTP Board
Charis Peterson


Opt Out of Common Core Tests Action Needed

TestingThis is from Ann Becker of Cincinnati Tea Party.

“Here is an update from Ohioans Against Common Core.  There is a new bill that was filed in the Ohio House that will protect our kids from any repercussions from opting our kids out of the PARCC (Common Core) tests.  Calls are needed to your State Rep to get support for this bill.  It is very important that you call.  Click here to use the Member Search to find the number for your State Rep.

The tests start next week.  Now is the time to get this done!

If you have kids in school, please consider opting your kids out of the PARCC test.  This small act of civil disobedience sends a very clear message to those in charge of education that you don’t want Common Core and the over testing of kids in your schools.

I opted my kids out of the PARCC tests this week.  It was a very simple process.  I used the well prepared letter from OptOut Ohio.  Took it to my kids’ schools and gave it to the principal.  It wasn’t a tough process.

Here is more information from Ohioans against Common Core about the new Safe Harbor bill.

Wednesday, January 29th, HB 7 was filed as an emergency measure by Representative Jim Buchy.

If passed, H.B. 7 will provide the same protections from PARCC testing that the Ohiolegislature voted to provide to districts, schools and teachers.

H.B. 7 
1) Prohibits 2014-2015 PARCC scores from being utilized for promotion or retention now, or at any point in a child’s education career.

2) Provides option to take the End-of-Course exams (currently PARCC & AIR) at any time within the student’s high school career, or opting to never take EOC exams, instead choosing one of the other options to earn their high school diploma; e.g., a remediation free ACT/SAT score, passage of an approved job skills assessment, or earning an Honors diploma.

It is extremely important that parents act now to OPT OUT their children from any and all PARCC and AIR assessments. Don’t wait to protect your child.

Keep in mind, when the legislature deliberated this last year, they voted to protect the adults. Their vote serves as an admission that the major problems with CommonCore and the testing were expected.

What legislator can justify not extending the same protections to our children? 

Make sure your House Rep knows you expect his co-sponsorship and support for HB7. Find your Rep’s number here and call today. If he/she has already signed on, take the time to say thank you and then call HB7 Sponsor, Rep. Buchy to extend a thank you, as well.

Direct family and friends to  


Sunday, February 1, 2015 America’s MOMS speak out to Lamar Alexander!    NO WAY ESEA!   This will be cradle to grave control! We will not have control of our schools anymore!!!                 The following activism alert originated from America’s TRUE GRASSROOTS!       IMMEDIATE ACTION Required – ESEA – Lamar Alexander puts the Reauthorization of the ESEA on the FAST TRACK!             SHUTS DOWN public comment by MONDAY, Feb. 2nd!

“I have never seen a bill being rushed through so fast: lightning speed.” ~Congressional Staffer



WEST CHESTER TEA PARTY – Exercising Our Second Amendment –

When? Saturday January 31st 10:30am-12:30 pm

Where?    Meet at the Waffle House at 10:30am for breakfast located at ..
8239 Cincinnati Dayton Rd. West Chester

Be at TARGET WORLD at 11:45am located at…
2300 East Kemper Road
Cincinnati (513) 772-3343

Who? You and everyone you wish to invite!’

Cost?  BRING ID *Eye/Ear Protection is FREE
$10 FOR 1/2 hour range time and target
$20 for ammo (unless you have your own)
$10 for handgun rental (if needed)

Any questions? Contact Jeremiah at 513.317.2164