Author Archives: Ann Becker

West Chester Tea Party Townhall

Join us on August 20th for the West Chester Tea Party Townhall.  Doors open at 5430 West Chester Road at 6:30 with snacks and socializing.  Meeting begins at 7pm.

August is the month of town halls.  Citizens all over the country will be meeting with their Congressman and asking them questions about the state of our government.  Since we are not having a town hall with Speaker Boehner we have decided to have a town hall of our own here in West Chester.

Getting ready for our Trustee Forum on September 5th,  we will ask questions about West Chester issues.  Members will have the chance to talk about facts and issues in our township and brainstorm questions for our forum.  Government can be a very complex thing to master.  There are budgets, staff, rules, regulations….  Some of us know township issues.  Together we will discuss the issues that face our township and give each other information we can use to influence others in our community.  This should be a very lively meeting.

In addition to local issues, we will also ask questions of each other on federal issues.  With all the scandals in the news this will be a very lively discussion.  Come with questions and with answers that we can share with each other.

July Meeting


Judge Powell

Judge Powell

The July meeting of the West Chester Tea Party will host Judge Michael E. Powell.

Judge Powell was appointed to the 12th District Court of Appeals by Governor Kasich in October of 2012 and was elected then elected in November of 2012. 

Prior to this Judge Powell served as Warren County’s Probate and Juvenile Court Judge. During this time, he worked as the Juvenile Court Prosecutor, the County Court Prosecutor and as a Common Pleas Court Prosecutor. 

He has been involved in his community, for many years, as Vice Chairman of the Warren County Salvation Army, Lebanon Kiwanis President, member of the  Ohio Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Courthouse Security and Emergency Preparedness and much more.

He will be educating us on Judicial 101 to give us a better understanding of the judicial system and how it works.



Lakota Strategic Plan

Our school district has not passed a school levy since 2005 and they seem to be itching to get one on the ballot. The school district is working to get the voters of Lakota ready for the levy discussion by proposing a new School Community Strategic Plan. Continue reading

Immigration Reform Meeting this Tuesday

Butler County Sheriff Rick Jones

Join us for the West Chester Tea Party Meeting this Tuesday night.  This months topic is Immigration Reform.

June West Chester Tea Party Meeting
Tuesday, June 18th
Doors open at 6:30, meeting begins at 7pm
5430 West Chester Road in West Chester, Ohio 45069

We are proud to host Gary Blakeman, 20 year veteran of the immigration issue.  Gary will present information on the Senate Immigration Reform Bill and why immigration is one of the most important issues of our day.

We will also hear from Butler County Sheriff Rick Jones on the issues he has seen in Butler County regarding immigration.

Please join us.


Common Core is putting our Kids at risk

The last few weeks have been a busy time for activists. We have made tangible progress defending liberty. We have been making calls and talking to legislators about Governor Kasich’s Medicaid expansion, Common Core, the Ohio Republican Party Chairman race and defending our 2nd Amendment right.  We came together to celebrate freedom at the amazing Freedom Expo. We have made a difference and we should be very proud. Continue reading