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Our two speakers for the February 1st meeting were Sheryl Arbogast and Maureen Green (Nurse Mo). The video for Sheryl’s presentation is: HERE and the video for Nurse Mo’s is: HERE YouTube took down the video of the full meeting the day after it was posted. HERE is the video. Also, HERE are some nurses speaking out to Senator Ron Johnson at his hearing last month. |
A PROPOSAL ON REDISTRICTING! A proposal to amend Article XIX (19) in the Ohio Constitution is drafted by a WCTP attendee, Mark Weiler, and we (WCTP) are supporting it in order to clarify the part dealing with redistricting. This initiative was created because the Tea Party does not support politicians who are continuing to manipulate voter equality with an aim to diminish voter rights and discriminate against our right to vote for those who support our Republic/democracy. This amendment is a start at protecting our legislative and congressional re-districts from further inequality and discrimination being imposed on our voters who simply want to vote to protect our Constitutional Republic. A Constitutional ballot initiative is underway and he will need your support Contact Mark at (513) 604-4054 or weilerpolo@hotmail.com THE “PROPOSED AMENDMENT” “No districting changes shall be made without knowing the consequences that boundary lines of counties, municipal corporations and township demographics have on adjacent district border lines and the effects adjoining district demographics may have on voter rights. It is imperative that all representatives involved with redrawing legislative and congressional borders to be held accountable to the rights of voters and not use misleading population data. A bipartisan redistricting committee shall be held culpable to eligible voters if census data is not immediately available and used during redistricting, especially before the time legislative maps and district boundaries are decided. The redistricting commission will measure the frequency of changing population diversity in congressional or legislative districts and use this measure together with other factors in district demographics that can effect fair voting. The commission will be liable for knowing any intentional change in population in any district boundaries prior to census population count. This data shall be recorded and used together at redistricting with a measure of the frequency of population changes no matter how minor in nature but known historically to not be counted into decennial or census data, and known to be included in the population count after redistricting boundaries are decided. The redistricting commission will communicate to all eligible voters the effect population changes and diversity may have on fair elections. They will be vigilant to not use population data that is known not to be from the decennial whole population number count. Collaboration with bipartisanship will be made to draw legislative and congressional districts, without which, it can increase voter inequity which limits eligible voters their right to fair elections.” IT WILL BE PLACED IN ARTICLE XIX, scroll down to below A (3) ARTICLE XIX – Congressional Redistricting (Effective January 1, 2021) Requirements for drawing congressional districts.– §2 (A)(1) Each congressional district shall be entitled to a single representative in the United States house of representatives in each congress. (2) The whole population of the state, as determined by the federal decennial census or, if the federal decennial census is unavailable, another basis as directed by the general assembly, shall be divided by the number of congressional districts apportioned to the state pursuant to Section 2 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States, and the quotient shall be the congressional ratio of representation for the next ten years. (3) Notwithstanding the fact that boundaries of counties, municipal corporations, and townships within a district may be changed, district boundaries shall be created by using the data from the most recent federal decennial census or from the basis directed by the general assembly, as applicable. —IT WILL BE PLACED RIGHT HERE-– (B) A congressional district plan shall comply with all of the following requirements: (1) The plan shall comply with all applicable provisions of the constitutions of Ohio and the United States and of federal law, including federal laws protecting racial minority voting rights………….For the rest of Article XIX, visit this site: https://www.ohiosos.gov/globalassets/publications/election/constitution.pdf ************************************** There has been a lot of talk about how the GOP has allowed the Democrats to dominate the redistricting across the country. This is happening in Ohio as well. ARTICLE HERE Here is the most recent news we could find: Revised Ohio House and Senate Maps Still Unconstitutional and Must Be Re-Drawn By Dan Trevas | February 7, 2022 Breaking News….The Ohio Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, with Justice Maureen O’Connor joining the Democrats again, Mon, Feb 7th, 2022 Breaking News….The Ohio Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, with Justice Maureen O’Connor joining the Democrats again, is trying to disrupt Ohio’s mid-term Elections by rejecting the Ohio Redistricting Commission’s redrawn maps that gave the Democrats five more seats. It’s time to move on and ignore the court. If Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor wants to continue in her rogue manner, as she has obviously joined the radical left by trying to disrupt the 2022 mid-terms, she may be facing impeachment. Stay tuned… AND Here are comments from Rep. Nino Vitale (a real conservative) on Jan. 13, the day after the OH Supreme Court’s decision. You can find this on his Facebook page. If you haven’t heard, yesterday (Jan. 12) around 3:30pm the Ohio Supreme Court, with one Republican siding with the Democrats, decided, an opinion if you will, that the maps are not fairly drawn. As you can imagine, people on both sides of the aisle have their opinions on this matter. Just as each one of us has something else, we all own, but I don’t use that type of language. Redistricting is the process that is required every 10 years, after the census, to determine what the new districts will look like in Ohio. Here are some questions to think about: What is fair district line drawing? Should the party who is in power, hold the keys to making those lines and then voting on them, as they did? If you say no, then how else are you going to do it? Are you going to say that the minority party, who could not garner enough votes in the last election and thus is in the minority, should suddenly be in the majority and make the decision? How do you justify that? The real truth is, elections have consequences and while I’m not a big rah rah, party thumping Republican, the Republicans are in power. So, the power goes to the people who were elected by the people. Currently, all statewide offices are controlled by Republicans, the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate are majority Republican, and the Governor is a Republican, although I highly question that party affiliation after the last two years and looking closely at his lifetime in politics. But let’s cover that another time. While you hear everyone in the media and politics running their mouths and giving their opinions, I will tell you mine, there is no real way to draw districts that people will think are fair. There will always be people who disagree with how it was done. And what we have now is a hot mess on our hands because the fraudulent language that was put into our Ohio Constitution on this matter, can and may end up putting the process into an endless loop where the Redistricting Commission votes on something and groups challenge it, send it to the Ohio Supreme Court and we come up with this outcome, over and over. Saying a process is unfair is specious. Democrats will always say Republicans are unfair and if Democrats were in power, the Republicans would whine that the Democrats are unfair. But yet, the majority earned the majority. I don’t see how you get around that. Votes and elections matter and thus the majority party runs the redistricting process. How does this effect you? Well, at the end of the day, the Representatives in the Ohio House and the Senators, in the majority of cases, don’t represent you nor do they defend the US and Ohio Constitutions and our freedoms granted therein. You know this now. They have allowed you to be locked in your homes, business shut down and now mandatory magic elixir are required to hold a job and soon, to buy groceries. And they do nothing. Does that sound like the freedom and liberty you’d expect in the US and Ohio? It sounds like the old USSR or current communist China to me. For me, they are a collective bunch of posers on both sides of the aisle who care about nothing but getting their high-class lunches and dinners paid for and their big lobbyist contributions to bankroll their constant, expensive and deceptive campaigns every 2 to 4 years convincing voters they support some issue or another. They lie and you know it. They aren’t there to represent us, they are there to represent themselves, and maintain their grip on power and play overlord. The job of Representative or Senator is supposed to be part time, where they have a real job elsewhere in the private sector, but most have turned it into a full time position where they constantly think of ways to steal our money and take our freedom, constantly passing bills and making government larger and more expensive by the day. This will not end until the people of Ohio, in sufficient number, recognize the deception and deceptors, and eliminate it. And that’s hard to do, because these people lie, cheat and steal exceptionally well. They are true decepticons, masters of illusion. Rep. Vitale, District 85 |
Is the Ohio Republican Party Corrupt? Do Republicans Want Good Governance? https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Is-the-Ohio-Republican-Party-Corrupt–.html?soid=1120074400608&aid=tB1yRG4GVNY |
SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Our new school board members have been in place for just a month and they need support from all of us. We are so thrilled that the board is now in conservative hands and will be making a difference in the Lakota Schools. Don’t let the other side fill the room and dominate the public speaking. We must be there to support our new members and Chairman Lynda O’Connor. SEE YOU MONDAY NIGHT AT 6PM FOR A “MEET AND GREET” WITH ISAAC AND DARBI AND FOR THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING THAT BEGINS AT 6:30 PM. Lakota Plains Junior School, 5500 Princeton Road, Liberty Township Come with comments on how much you appreciate their work. We know that they are changing things for the better!! |
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CANADA FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 Ottawa, Canada government said no to honking horns by truckers in the city so they instead revved their engines and made music with jerry jugs. The government also took their gas but people have continued to bring their jerrys full of gas. This is a peaceful protest. |
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In Liberty, West Chester Tea Party Board Visit our website: westchesterteaparty.organd facebook.com/westchesterteaparty, gab.com/libertywctp “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty” – Thomas Jefferson |