The video of our Lakota School Board Candidate Forum can be found on our YouTube Channel. Please Share, Like and Subscribe so others are educated on the candidates prior to the November 2nd election. |
TRUSTEE FORUM WEST CHESTER TOWNSHIP & LIBERTY TOWNSHIP This will include trustee candidates for West Chester Township and Liberty Township. We’d like you all to come with questions for these candidates and suggest that if you haven’t been able to attend their meetings, that you visit the websites for each township and develop questions from viewing their meetings. Here is the website for West Chester Township Trustee meetings. And here is the YouTube website for Liberty Township Trustee meetings and to view the agendas for Liberty meetings, here is the link. |
********************************************************************** These are extraordinary times and we face unprecedented threats to our freedoms, especially our medical freedom. Our Ohio legislators are compromised by money/influence from Chamber of Commerce, Hospitals and Pharma. They are NOT doing the WILL OF THEIR CONSTITUENTS! Our last email called for action (calling legislators) which we must do if we want our freedom! Please keep calling and identifying as a member of the SW Ohio Coalition for Medical Freedom…. WE ARE WINNING! How important is it that you decide what is injected into your body? Are you ok with your freedoms being taken because you won’t get injected? Are you doing your job, as their employer, making sure they do theirs? It only takes a few minutes a day to push back! Caller Tip….. We have reports the Reps are responding with, “Are you in Rep’s ____ District? I suggest you call your own Rep and not call this office.” This is how I respond: · 1. Respectfully of course, “When Rep ______doesn’t do his/her job and refuses to defend medical freedom, he/she impacts all of us in Ohio. If the laws Rep ______voted for and against ONLY IMPACTED the lives of residents in their districts than that would be different. 2. Unfortunately, that is not the case. His/her inaction is harmful to all residing in Ohio and is causing tremendous suffering and financial hardship. ” We just ask you do your job. That’s it – sign the discharge so we can have the bill moved forward.” I also tell them: 3. I may not reside in your district – but lucky for me you’re only _______ mins away! So communicating with “your” constituents, aka my neighbors and fellow Ohioans is easy!· 4. I don’t stay in my district and my wallet leaves my district too! 5. Oddly enough . . . . . to date, none of my money has ever been refused because I don’t reside in a Reps district! —————Warren County ———————— HD 62 Scott Lipps 614- 644- 6023 ——————- Hamilton County ———————– HD29 Cindy Abrams 614-466-9091 LEADERSHIP HD30 – Bill Seitz -614-466-8258, LEADERSHIP HD27- Tom Brinkman –614-644-6886 —————————– Montgomery County ——————————– HD40 Phil Plummer 614-644-8051, HD41 Andrea White 614-644-6008, HD42 Tom Young 614-466-6504 ——————— Clermont County ————————- HD65 Jean Schmidt 614-466-8134 HD66 Adam Bird 614-644-6034 –——————————Preble County ———————————— HD43 Rodney Creech 614-466-2960 CO SPONSOR of HBH248 – now flip flopping –. —————————– Green County —————————— HD73 Brian Lampton 614-644-6020 ———————————— Miami County —————————- HD 80 – Jena Powell 614-466-8114 JENA HAS NOT SIGNED – Please contact and ask why. ————————————– Butler County ——————————————– HD53 Thomas Hall 614-644- 5094 (AN ALERT BELOW-TONIGHT!) Good job Patriot! Well done! Do you have a few more minutes to make calls to those who are doing the right thing? Please let the below Reps know you appreciate them signing the discharge and protecting your rights! Thank you! Rep Jen Gross Bill Sponsor Rep Scott Wiggam – 614-466-1474 Rep Sara Carruthers 614-644-6721 Rep Mike Loychik 614-466-3488 Rep Jay Edwards 614-466-2158 Rep Nino Vitale 614-466-1507 Rep Paul Zeltwanger 614-644-6027 Rep Bill Dean 614-466-1470 ************************************************************* From Stephanie Stock (Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom): HB 248 won’t die unless it is voted down or not voted on before 12-31-22 (end of this House session). They want us to accept an inferior bill that expires in 2 yrs. Don’t settle for anything less than HB 248. Rumors are circulating that OAMF has abandoned HB 248. This isn’t true. OAMF has no plans to abandon this bill. In addition, I just got word today that one large Tristate hospital system is allowing people to work without the vaccines at some of their sites and keep their job. However employees will be denied bonuses and raises if they refuse to be vaccinated. This is because many of their staff refused to be vaccinated. The hospital wouldn’t be able to operate without these employees. Keep fighting and spread the word!!! *********************************************************** Please read what Rep. Nino Vitale says here: Your Ohio Rep. Has Had TWO WEEKS To Protect Your Medical Freedom and bring HB 248 to the Floor for Public Debate. Who Signed? The truth is your Ohio Representatives have had since April, when this bill was first introduced to protect your medical freedom and have done nothing but go on vacation and watch the republican government use taxpayer dollars to strong-arm citizen through lotteries and big money give-aways, to take an experimental vax. (You did know DeWine announced he will be giving away your tax dollars in the form of $100,000 scholarships targeted to Ohioans ages 12-25 who take the shot right?) This post will be informational in nature, so I hope you read the rest carefully. It’s been two weeks since the HB 248 Discharge Petition was dropped in the state house for all reps to show up and sign. And they were almost ALL in Columbus this (last) week so there was no excuse. All it took is what I did, show up to the clerk’s office and sign the document. EIGHT of the 65 republicans in the House signed up. That’s it, EIGHT. Reps: Gross, Vitale, Wiggam, Carruthers, Loychik, Edwards, Dean, Zeltwanger. The biggest two reasons the citizens are being told their rep will not sign is: EXCUSE ONE: The language is not right. Don’t buy that bunk. Where have they been since April? And signing a discharge does not mean you want HB 248 to pass in its current form, it means you want it brought to the floor for IMMEDIATE PUBLIC DEBATE. That means any member of the house can propose changes and amendments before the bill is ever voted on. This is simply their way of making you think something is wrong with the bill so you stop calling and asking them to sign the petition. Would I like some language changed? You bet, which is why I would amend the bill, IN PUBLIC, on the house floor and vote on the amendments and then vote on the changed bill in front of all the cameras and microphones. EXCUSE TWO: We have a NEW BILL coming that will be even better. Yeah ,yeah, yeah. Sure. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this one in 7 years. Keep a sharp eye. They claim they will have a bill on the floor ‘very soon’ to vote on. But what will be in that bill? Don’t trust what you hear is in the bill. We need to vet this bill for ourselves. These types of bills do not need to be long, nor should they have complicated language. Keep it short and simple so everyone can see what it does and if we like it. Again, keep a sharp eye, there is rumor this bill will come out next week. What is frustrating to me is even IF members knew they didn’t need to sign the discharge because the “perfect bill” was only one week away, the FACT remains that many “conservative/pro-medical freedom reps” didn’t put their vote/signature where their “values” are, despite the fact that they were asked by their districts to do so. HOW ABOUT YOU DO BOTH. Sign the discharge AND work on this new supposedly rainbow-and-unicorns perfect bill that is coming. DO BOTH!! I’ll tell you why, because if they do, they will not get access to the republican party pot of gold for their next election and the lobbyists in Columbus will be told Rep. X is on the ‘do not donate to list.’ Yeah, they actually do that. I have been on the ‘do not donate list’ for almost all 7 years. Just look at my financial reports. The majority of my donations come from citizens. Of course, one should ask, if they can ‘make a bill out of thin air that is practically perfect in every way this quickly, why did they not just adjust HB 248 in April, May, June, July, August and September with the language they think IS suitable? WHY? BECAUSE OF YOU. Because you all have been calling and demanding Medical Freedom in the past two weeks and you created this momentum. And now is NOT THE TIME TO STOP. Which brings me to another point. YOUR CALLS HAVE BEEN WORKING. They have been working so well, the Ohio House appears to have put in a plan to deflect your calls. For those of you who keep calling the main number and left voice mails, it turns out, for some unexplained reason, they seem to be diverting most of those voice mails to MY OFFICE even though many of the calls were not even from my district. If you ask me, I think they were trying to make it look like there weren’t as many calls coming in. So, again, YOU NEED TO CALL TODAY – MONDAY, TUESDAY and EVERY DAY AND CALL YOUR REP’S DIRECT TELEPHONE NUMBER, SO IT GOES DIRECTLY TO THEIR OFFICE. I’m not even going to publish the main house number any longer, since they either won’t direct the calls to the proper office or are directing them to me. HOW DO YOU GET YOUR REPS DIRECT NUMBER you ask? Use the link below, put in your zip code and keep that direct telephone number to your rep on speed dial. Call daily. I’m not kidding. Set an alarm on your phone that pops up with the telephone number for every day at 9:30am. Then click the link that pops on your phone and make a call. And get all your family and friends calling. The pressure is working, but they are banking that you will back down. Then they will back down. I have seen so many efforts like this, over the years, start with great momentum and it starts to make real change at the statehouse, only to fizzle out. Don’t let that happen. Click, call, and tell them, sign the discharge for HB248, no excuses. Protect Our Medical Freedom. Be respectful, be charitable, but call, and call daily. https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislators/district-maps “I want government so small you can barely see it and so efficient you barely have to pay for it.” Rep. Nino Vitale ************************************* ALERT: PLEASE TRY TO BE THERE SO WE HAVE A HUGE CROWD IN FRONT OF THE BUTLER CO GOP HEADQUARTERS IN MIDDLETOWN!! REP. THOMAS HALL NEEDS TO SIGN THE DISCHARGE PETITION!!!! The Middletown Area Republican Club will be meeting TONIGHT WHEN: MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 6:30PM WHERE: Butler County GOP Headquarters 4341 Roosevelt Blvd. Middletown, Ohio 45044 Representative Thomas Hall will be there to discuss the legislative priorities in the House. |
CITIZEN ACTION PLEASE COME TO LOCAL MEETINGS, BUTLER CO. COMMISSIONERS (Candice Keller has been informing them that they have the “Lesser Magistrates” power to rid the county of mandates!) MEETINGS EVERY MONDAY AT 9:30AM 315 High St., Hamilton, OH and BOARD OF ELECTIONS MEETING Next Meeting, Monday, October 18 9AM 1802 Princeton Rd, Suite 600 INSIST THEY GET RID OF DOMINION MACHINES and DEMAND PAPER BALLOTS! WEST CHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month Township Hall, 9113 Cincinnati-Dayton Road LAKOTA SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:30PM Lakota Plains Junior School 5500 Princeton Road,Liberty Township, Ohio in the Media Center |
In Liberty, West Chester Tea Party Board Visit our website: westchesterteaparty.organd facebook.com/westchesterteaparty, gab.com/libertywctp |