Author Archives: Charis Peterson



Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced Thursday 
that the state will begin to re-open on May 1, the same day its stay-at-home order prompted by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is scheduled to expire. Many feel we should open now.
There will be several rallies, one on Saturday, April 18, with Tom Z. and another on Monday, April 20 with 
Scott Shoemaker. You can follow these suggestions for both.
Bring your car, and stay in it and honk if you are afraid or not able get out. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
The recent Ohio protest has become the most watched video on The Highwire with Del Bigtree. If you are in Ohio or a surrounding state, PLEASE JOIN US at 1-1:30 at the Ohio Statehouse! All we need is one state government to cave to make a difference! This is an election year. YOUR VOICE MATTERS!  #showup  #freedommatters
Information from Tom Z.: The “death rate” from coronavirus is now projected to be just .03% meaning that 99.97% of anyone who get’s it will not only NOT DIE  but most will not even know they are sick! We are being caged like animals for something that is not as deadly as the regular flu?
DeWine is going to keep our state closed because he doesn’t respect you enough to make your own informed decisions and he thinks he MUST tell you what you can and can’t do!  Stand up and Defend Your Liberty NOW  or you may never get it back from this confused little tyrant who can’t do simple math!
Tom Z. just came out with a press release today!! 
He’s  calling on Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Health Director Dr. Amy Acton, Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted and ALL members of the Ohio House and Senate to immediately have their pay stopped until Ohio workers are back to work. Zawistowski made his demands based on the fact that the actions, and inactions, of the Ohio state government have taken the paychecks away from millions of Ohio workers and hundreds of thousands of Ohio business owners.
He included these facts: 

Ohio Coronavirus Score Card:
Ohio Population: 11,660,000 * Average Deaths per day 325
Coronavirus Deaths: 389 Total
Deaths from other Causes: 18,200 Estimated
Positive Cases: 8,418 (.00072 of total population)
Ohio Businesses Closed: 200,000  Estimated
Ohioans without Pay Checks: 2,030,000 Estimated
Lost Wages, Past 21 Days: $3,312,960,000 Estimated
Businesses Projected to Close Permanently: 113,670 Estimated


 Here are phone numbers you will need to take action on these issues:
Representative Warren Davidson, (202-225-6205)
Senator Rob Portman, (202-224-3353)
Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, (1-614-466-2655)
Our present circumstances have created a perfect environment for SOCIALISM/GLOBALISM to rule this nation. We need to be aware of all that is happening, ready to fight back as soon as we notice the slightest turn in that direction and we’re already seeing it!
“We need a firm date for when these lockdowns will end and our leaders need to stick to that date, not just throw a date out there, only to later extend it.  We want all of our country back. Not in stages, not in phases.  The president’s advisers, Drs. Fauci and Birx, have been exposed as frauds and must no longer be allowed to dictate policy.   READ THIS  and view this video!

CORONAVIRUS: Globalism's Perfect Storm
                   CORONAVIRUS: Globalism’s Perfect Storm

BILL GATES  is not an elected official, yet he used his money in the past to sway the minds of our children and young people with Common Core . Now his money is going to research a vaccine for Covid19. He’s spending extra for a special device to insert the vaccine. He and others in his camp think we need to TRACK those who are vaccinated. RED FLAG! As Conservatives we have to resist any infringement upon our liberties. Stand up against involuntary vaccinations and/or tracking.

Call Davidson and Portman.)
Nancy Pelosi, true to form, is insisting that other groups (other than small businesses) receive funding, and is holding up the new “stimulus” bill until she gets what she wants. Please call Davidson and Portman, telling them how important it is to get the money to those in dire need, because these businesses cannot hang on much longer. Ask our representatives to refuse to satisfy Pelosi, and to   ask the President to make it clear in a telecast that the Democrats are holding up  the bill.
Please get in touch with Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State, and ask him to resist any pressure to use general mail-in voting in the presidential election. 
Eric Holder, former AG, and the Democrats want to permanently change our voting system. HERE and HERE
We must go to the polls this fall, or there will be masses of illegal votes, neutralizing those of citizens.
Remember to vote in the Primary before April 27th. 
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board


We feel this is a very important subject and want you to know that you can see this presentation virtually, but not in person at their studio.
EMPOWERU presents:
Google’s Power and Hillary’s Lies

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
We Brought It Back!
ROBERT EPSTEIN is Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT) and the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today magazine. A Ph.D. of Harvard University, he has published 15 books on artificial intelligence, adolescence, and other topics, as well as more than 300 scientific and popular articles, including scientific reports in Science, Nature, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Dr. Epstein was seen most recently on The Tucker Carlson show.
     EmpowerU brings you the long requested class on Google to be presented by Dr. Robert Epstein live Webinar for EmpowerU only.   Dr. Epstein’s  2015 report in PNAS entitled “The Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) and Its Possible Impact on the Outcomes of Elections” ( has been accessed or downloaded more than 200,000 times from PNAS’s website.
     The report describes one of the largest effects ever discovered in the behavioral sciences, and because SEME is nearly invisible as a source of influence and leaves no paper trail for authorities to follow, it is an especially dangerous form of influence. Dr. Epstein’s research suggests that SEME is currently determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections and that it is affecting a wide range of opinions, not just voting preferences.
     In 2016, Dr. Epstein discovered that the search suggestions we see in Google’s “autocomplete” can also be used to shift votes and opinions without people’s knowledge – a manipulation he calls the “Search Suggestion Effect” (SSE).
     Dr. Epstein has also built the only systems ever deployed to capture the ephemeral content that search engines show people.  In the days leading up to the 2016 presidential election in the U.S., he preserved 13,207 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the 98,044 web pages to which the search results linked.
     He found a significant pro-Clinton bias in Google search results (but not in Bing or Yahoo results), sufficient to have convinced between 2.6 and 10.4 million undecided voters to vote for Mrs. Clinton without knowing they had been influenced. Dr. Epstein reported these findings even though he was a Clinton supporter and is not a conservative politically.
     In 2018, he preserved 47,294 searches and 392,274  web pages, again finding a significant pro-liberal bias only on the Google search engine. This time the bias was sufficient to have shifted upwards of 78.2 million votes to Democrats (spread across hundreds of elections).
  He is currently raising funds to build a much larger and more comprehensive monitoring system in 2020, one that will monitor many potentially biased sources of online influence, not just search results.
You can donate money to aid in this effort at
For the virtual class, click HERE after 6:50pm night of the class.
Make sure you vote!!
 From Rep. Warren Davidson’s email:
  On Friday, Governor DeWine signed legislation in response to the coronavirus and the restart to Ohio’s postponed primary election.

Here are a few changes:

1. There is NO in-person voting.
2. All voting will be absentee voting and must be post marked on or before
April 27th.

If you have already voted in this primary, your ballot will be counted after the deadline on April 28th.

If you are a registered voter and still need to vote, the State of Ohio will be sending you a postcard with instructions to vote. You can click HERE for the application to vote absentee by mail. Upon completing your application you should send it to your local Board of Elections.

Butler County Board of Elections
1802 Princeton Rd #600, Hamilton, OH 45011

Once the Board of Elections receives and processes the application, they will send you a ballot. You will receive your ballot, cast your vote, and then return it in the paid postage envelope postmarked on or before April 27th.
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board


FORUM 7-8:30PM
8480 Cincinnati-Columbus Rd (#42)
West Chester, OH
      Since Ohio Eagle Distribution Company can no longer accommodate our meetings, we are delighted to tell you that we can still hold the planned candidate forum on March 3. 
Life Church, 8480 Cincinnati-Columbus Rd. (Route 42), has graciously agreed to host our meeting. (You remember the place. We met there before moving to Indiana Wesleyan.)
     Ohio State House candidates from Districts 52 and 53 and candidates for the Ohio Senate have been invited to take part in the event. We will begin at 6:30 with a “Meet and Greet,” take care of some business at 7:00, and start the Forum at about 7:15. After opening with a couple of prepared questions, we’ll give the mic over to you. Please come prepared to take part. You should be able leave with a pretty firm decision about your ballot choices.
Remember that we eliminate the snack table when we hold forums, so there will be no food.
Please remember Tom Z’s radio program (at 1160 AM in our area), on Saturday morning from 9:00 – 10:00am.
He uses this to stay in touch with all the liberty-loving people in Ohio.
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board

WCTP February 4th Meeting

(Use main driveway left of the pond but drive straight back past the umbrellas and park next to the door facing north.)
     In general, candidates running for public office are known to the population at large; however, judicial candidates are very often unknown, or known to only a few. Republicans go to the polls, and if they have no knowledge about a candidate, they leave the little box blank.
     We want you to feel confident when you vote in the March Primary, so that in each category of Judicial candidates you have marked a box. It is for this reason that we have invited those candidates, who are contested (There is another Republican running against them) and who are running in the March Primary to speak at our Tea-Party Forum, February 4, 2020.
     Those who have accepted our invitation are:
12th District Court of Appeals:
Mary Lynn Birck; Matthew Byrne;
and Judge Noah Powers, II
Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division:
Heather Cady and John Holcomb
     Though we are bursting with questions for the candidates, we will limit OUR questions, so as not to interfere with YOUR chance as a voter to get to know them. Please bring your queries so that you can leave the meeting, February 4, knowing which candidates you will choose.
     Since the State of the Union Address will follow our meeting, we have invited the candidates to arrive around 6:30 to speak with you. Come early if you want to take advantage of that opportunity.
Saturday, February 15th. from 11 – 1, 
at Cox and Tylersville. 
(Come for the whole time, or part.)
We want to inform people of the fact that voting in the Primary offers a real chance to choose candidates. In the General Election, we vote from those already chosen.
“Make a Difference; Vote Primary”
We know you’ll want to be there!
Nothing is more fun than a rally. Make your own signs at home, or join us to make them together. We’ll have sign-making supplies, coffee, and water.
                       Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 10am – 2pm  (Bring lunch.)              
Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 6:30 – 9 p.m.
Any political idea saying to vote conservatively is acceptable. Some suggestions are:
“Socialism = Slavery,” “Honk for Trump,” “Save your liberties; vote Republican,”  “Forget PC; Speak Freely.”
 “Think for Yourself; Choose Republican.”
Trust your own ideas. Be creative.
Call or text (513) 600-3851 or email to sign up.
Another liberty group, the
Ohio Republican PAC, has endorsed these candidates:
Jennifer Gross, House Rep.,
District 52
Diane Mullins for House Rep.,
District 53,
Candice Keller for State Senator, District 4
Matthew Byrne, Ohio Court of Appeals, District 12
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board


Division in America Tickets
Thursday, Feb 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Called perhaps the most significant media figure in America, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief, Alex Marlow, brings his media expertise to the political division plaguing America. He will discuss the lessons learned from media legend Andrew Breitbart on living — and winning — in a divided country, and how Breitbart News Network does it everyday. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions during the following question and answer portion.
Alex Marlow joined Breitbart News as the organization’s first employee in 2008, working closely with Andrew Breitbart until his death in 2012. Marlow ascended to the top of the Breitbart masthead in 2013 at just 27 and remains the youngest top editor of a major media publication in the United States.
He also hosts “Breitbart News Daily” on SiriusXM 125, the Patriot Channel; and has been featured on the covers of “Time” and “Newsweek” and on Forbes Magazine’s 30 under 30 list. While originally from Los Angeles, Marlow — a U.C. Berkeley graduate — now lives in Washington, D.C. with his family.
Tickets do not reserve your seat at
the event.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Event begins at 7:00 pm.
Venue: Engineering Research Center, University of Cincinnati
Parking: paid parking at Woodside Garage or Campus Green Garage on University of Cincinnati campus
To reserve your ticket, go to:
In Liberty,
West Chester Tea Party Board