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Here is an alternative letter to use. Copy and print if your interested and take to your constituents.
My dear fellow Citizens,
As you may well know there are many pressing issues in our communities, states, and entire country that scream out for our attention, demanding their seriously vital correction. One person cannot be the savior to free us from society’s problems, so that we can focus on making our lives productive while raising outstanding families that will serve as the backbone of our country. If we come together and first understand the situations and their causes, we can come up with one or many creative solutions that will raise the quality of life for every individual. This is the American way!
Starting from the bottom up, which would be those issues closest to us, we see that our education is sadly depriving our children and young adults of the necessary skills and morality they need to become our successful future generation. Common Core, the standards that children are required to meet as set down by tests and federally granted to the state, forces teachers to teach what governments far removed from our neighborhoods, dictate.
Illegal immigration only compounds the problems. If Trump cannot build his wall, and enact laws that protect our safety and culture, it will not take the American people long to find out how the drugs, money, and freebies are impacting all of us not only in education but including jobs, health care, and crime.
As Trump said, “As president…I will not stand by and allow the sovereignty to be eroded, our laws to be trampled or borders to be disrespected anymore.” (See quote p.65 in “AMAC” magazine.)
We need the same dedication that our President has enunciated by supporting his initiatives and becoming truth bearers to those not in “the know.” Not enough of our people understand how close we are to losing our rule by law and our very culture. Too many factions are attempting to supplant our Constitution with their own ideologies. We can have peace only when we abide by our great Constitution as formulated by our Founding Fathers. No other system fits into the American lifestyle and western culture.
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Feel free to copy and print this to take to your constituents:
September, 2019
Dear neighbor,
We’re transitioning from the lazy, hazy, fun-filled days of summer back to school and election seasons. It’s surprising how closely related our children are to politics. Most of us know little about what the teachers and children in our classrooms are doing. We hope that we vote citizens into office who will see to it that our children get the best education and care possible. Actually, what’s really going on involves non-elected officials who are in charge.
At one point in time Hitler said, “He who owns the youth, gains the future.” Recently I was surprised to learn how the UN is using Common Core to steal the futures and even the souls of our young people. For almost a decade, Common Core has been working against Christians and our Constitution. You will find it hard to believe what you’ll read in this letter. Please check my sources or call me if you choose. (Alex Newman, Duke Pesta, “New American” magazine, Feb., 2019.)
Globalists, not elected by the people of the world, have decided that it is much easier to work with an unknowledgeable, uneducated, non-religious populace than one that is informed and faith-filled. They’re pushing their agenda into schools across the world. (Many of the learning materials used in U. S. government schools are published in Qatar and funded by Islamic money.) The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” is the philosophy underlying Common Core. This states that our rights come, not from the Natural Law, but from government.
Our government schools are recording every form of data from students, with the accent on behavior, not subject matter. Data-gathering is followed by attitude adjustments when deemed necessary. The Feds are compiling dossiers on Common-Core students. These contain hundreds of data points on personality, views, health, mental status, home-life, academics, and more.
“UNESCO sex-ed Standards” states that these sex studies are to start in every school at age 5. They advocate masturbation, abortion, gender-confusion, homosexuality, fornication, etc. (Parents are not informed about the lessons) These topics tend to sexualize and confuse children. This document promotes sexual pleasure before the age of 10.
People teaching in our colleges and universities, either lack background in the Federalist Papers and the reasons behind the philosophy of freedom underlying our Constitution, or they have their own agenda. They are selling Socialism to young, open minds, telling them that everything should be free to all, whether or not they pay for it themselves or contribute to society. They mention nothing about Socialism allowing no private property, and no personal decision-making in career and health-care choices. They are not following the usual college methodology of teaching students to think for themselves, but instead are teaching them how to blindly accept what they’re being taught.
The last line in the speech at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, October 28, 1886 is this:
“There is room in America and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in
our development. But those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws
are aliens and enemies forever.”
Cost of Immigration: $338.300,000,000.00 (that’s $338.3 BILLION /YEAR!)
Welfare: $11 Billion to $22 Billion state welfare to illegals (http://www.fairus.org)
$22 Billion yearly spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free lunches. (http://www.cis.org) $90Billion yearly spent by taxpayers on Welfare & Social Services. (http://politi.co/2BNHFRS
Health: $2.5 Billion/year spent on Medicaid for Illegals. (http://www.cis.org /articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML)
Education: $12Billion/year spent on primary and secondary school education. $17 Billion on anchors’ education
(Anchors are children born in the U.S. to illegals) (http://transcrips.cnn.com/S/0604?01/ldt.HTML)
CRIME: $3 million/day to incarcerate illegals. (http://transcripts.cnn.com/520TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML
EMPLOYMENT: $200 BILLION/year in suppressed American wages caused by illegals. (http://transcripts.cnn.com)
In 2006 illegals sent home $45Billion in remittances to their countries of origin. (http://rense.com/general75/niht)
The vast majority pay no federal income tax. These are the expenses in dollars. This does not list the number of hours school instruction is held back waiting for those who do not know the language to understand the subject matter, putting our children farther behind.
Capitalism encourages innovation and hard work, is based on service to others, provides freedom of choice to individual citizens, provides a wide range of products and services in the free market and encourages individual freedom as well as citizens to be involved with their own governance. Without incentives or rewards, workers will eventually slack off, especially with redistribution of those rewards. One millennial said about peers: “They don’t recognize that much of what they enjoy in life is a result of capitalism, and would disappear if socialism were to be implemented. They haven’t seen socialism’s failures firsthand.”
Socialism leads to total government control, higher taxes for all citizens, more bureaucracies and more government spending, transfer of the rights of workers to the government, and as Communism, has failed in many countries, including Cuba and Venezuela. “Some of the real costs of Communism are the denial of free speech, a free press, free assembly, the imprisonment and execution of dissidents, no property rights, no free and open elections, no independent judiciary or rule of law, and the dictatorship of the Communist Party in all matters and on all occasions.” (https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/what-americans-must-know-about-socialism)
Once again, we’re experiencing a rash of shootings. All of us want to do something about stopping the violence. We feel terrible for the families involved. What can we do that will have an impact? What will stop this taking of human life by criminals? People want to make new gun laws, but we have very good laws already. They want to do background checks, but think of the ramifications. That gives judges power over who owns guns. What kind of judges are they? Obama appointed some who legislate from the bench. They could decide that because we’re conservative, we shouldn’t be allowed to own guns. Who will turn in his child or a relative over to the authorities as being a risk? Our Constitution insists upon allowing the Second Amendment because we have the right to defend ourselves, even, if necessary, against our own government. What law will really stop criminals from committing these crimes?
For all of the reasons discussed above, we need to elect truly Conservative people for Trustees, School-Board, and fiscal officer. The fliers I have included are coming from the people I have vetted. They are my choices for these positions. They may not be perfect, but if they are not acting in behalf of the people of West Chester, we will take them out.
Lynda O’Connor was the only school-board member who voted against the teachers’ raise which, all things considered amounts to about 18%. Her reasoning is that most of those paying the teachers are not getting a raise nearly that high.
Jim Hahn reads contracts to be sure he knows all aspects, and nothing is hidden. He is fiscally conservative with the business he has owned for about 10 years. I feel sure that he and Lynda will do research before voting.
Bruce Jones has received “Auditor of State Award, with Distinction” for the past 6 years for his job as Fiscal Officer.
Ann Becker voted against such things as the bike path which were not fiscally sensible.
Thank you very much for reading my letter. Without the media keeping us informed of what’s really going on in our world, we’re at risk of missing a lot. Keep in touch with me. I have included my contact information. Please send me yours. I will not give it to anyone. There is much more to say. If you’re interested, just let me know.
(Electronic copies of these letters can be found on our website: westchesterteaparty.org)
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