“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” (Thomas Jefferson)
Three speakers will address us at this meeting. Bob Bruns, and Tony Krueger, members of WCTP, will share their informal meetings with professors and students at Miami University. For some time now, they have been discussing the liberally-biased education of our Ohio college students. We’re looking forward to hearing what they have learned, and what action, if any, they’re looking for from the people of our state.
Our Primary Speaker will be
Regina Barton, a member of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) at the University of Cincinnati. She will tell us what her group is encountering at U.C. and how they’re dealing with it. Please bring along your questions for the speakers, or develop them as you listen.
Right now our government is in a “lame-duck” session. They have three weeks to get through legislation which will have little chance of passing in January, when the Democrats take over the House. During this time they must fund the wall with the needed $25B, and completely eliminate Obamacare and Common Core.
Please call the President daily, at 202-456-1414,
if you agree with us, and say something like this:
“Mr. President, I support you 100%, and agree completely that the wall must be built. Please do whatever is necessary to get Congress to set aside $25 billion for that project. In addition to this, demand from them the complete elimination of Obamacare and Common Core, the two government policies tying us to socialism. Shut down the government if you have to. Reagan did it at least 7 times.”
(It usually takes about 5-8 minutes to get through. Not very long so put your phone on speaker while you wait.)