Author Archives: Ted


SEEKING PATRIOTIC DONORS THROUGHOUT THE FRUITED PLAIN!  Four years ago, a small band of concerned parents, businessmen, and retired teachers gathered to discuss their Vision of establishing the First Classical Charter School in the Toledo, Ohio area! These dedicated men and women believed children in the Toledo area would greatly benefit from a traditional, teacher-led, Classical Classroom Environment. From those monthly meetings arose Northwest Ohio Classical Academy (NOCA) NOCA was granted a Charter and plans […]

The Buckeye Institute: Regulatory Reform Will Boost Economic Growth

Columbus, OH – The Buckeye Institute’s Greg R. Lawson testified today (see full text below or download a PDF) before the Ohio Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee on the need for regulatory reform in Ohio and Senate Bill 1. In his testimony, Lawson applauded the Senate for taking up regulatory reform, saying, “Ohio desperately needs regulatory reform that eliminates unnecessary regulations that strangle private industry and enterprise as part of the state’s broader reform efforts […]

Ohio Bill Would Allow Schools to Teach the ‘Humanity of the Unborn Child’

From The Ohio Star – A Republican-backed bill making its way through the Ohio House would require the Ohio Department of Health and the state’s board of education to develop an instructional program that teaches “the humanity of the unborn child.” Each school district would then have the option of teaching the program or crafting its own instructional materials, which must “describe the unborn child in two-week gestational periods,” according to State Rep. Niraj Antani […]

ICE Announces Plan to Stop ‘Fake Families’ and Child Smuggling at the Border

From The Ohio Star – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on Monday that it is shifting its resources to deal with the influx of “fake families” arriving on the U.S-Mexico border. “Fake families are being formed to cross our border and avoid detention. ICE [Homeland Security Investigations] is working with [Customs and Border Protection] to stop individuals, networks and organizations facilitating child smuggling and document fraud to illegally enter the U.S.,” ICE tweeted on Monday. Fake families are […]

Trump Scraps Obama-Era UN Arms Treaty Opposed by Second Amendment Backers

From The Ohio Star – President Donald Trump announced Friday the United States is pulling out of the international Arms Trade Treaty, a treaty signed by the Obama administration—but never ratified by the Senate—that concerned many Second Amendment advocates. Trump called it a “badly misguided” treaty when speaking Friday at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Indianapolis. “We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedoms,” the president said. “We […]