Author Archives: Ted

Libertarian Candidate Travis Irvine Files for Governor

Columbus – Filmmaker Travis Irvine and Ohio business owner Todd Grayson turned in their Petition for Candidacy for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively, on Wednesday. They will be officially launching their campaign at an event in Columbus in the coming weeks. Irvine and Grayson will be on the ballot at the General Election on November 6th. Citing his concerns for the gross neglect of Individual liberties by the Ohio Governors office as reasons for entering […]

Ruling that stops forced union fees leaves Union PACs scrambling

The JANUS vs AFSCME ruling means one of the AFSCME’s largest activist PACs will be  scrambling for funding. Below is a list of Contributions from AFSCME for the two years 2017 and 2018. AFSCME , Washington DC contributed over 2.5 million dollars to one of their Political Action Committee activist organization “For Our Future“..  This is just one union,  You can’t even imagine the amount of money that Unions divert to politics. Now that forced […]

Conservative Activist converge on Washington DC

FreedomWorks hosted nearly fifty dedicated and energized activists from around the country this past weekend for the June, 2018 activist fly-in. The fly-in featured a variety of panels, seminars and discussions that advocated the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty, and the rule of law. The event kicked-off on Friday night with an activist happy hour. FreedomWorks President, Adam Brandon, interviewed Senior Fellow, John Tamny about his new book The End […]

Send President Trump a Thank You Card

Send President a Thank You card..  Thank you to our friend Carol Davis, West Suburban Patriots, Illinois for coming up with this idea and the card. Download and print the post card (4 cards on a 8 1/2 x 11 card stock),  you can then then write a personal message on one side,  then send the cards to The President,  Or your congressman,  or even your friends. On the blank side, address the card: President […]

Send President Trump a Thank You Card

Send President a Thank You card..  Thank you to our friend Carol Davis, West Suburban Patriots, Illinois for coming up with this idea and the card. Download and print the post card (4 cards on a 8 1/2 x 11 card stock),  you can then then write a personal message on one side,  then send the cards to The President,  Or your congressman,  or even your friends. On the blank side, address the card: President […]