Author Archives: Ted

Support the Health Savings Account Expansion Act, H.R. 247

Support the Health Savings Account Expansion Act, H.R. 247 On behalf of our activist community, I urge you to contact your representative and him or her to support the Health Savings Account Expansion Act, H.R. 247, introduced by Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.). The bill would increase contribution limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) and would, for the first time, allow consumers to pay insurance premiums from their HSAs. HSAs provide consumers with the ability to […]

The power of the endorsement – Why they are important

I was recently having a “political discussion” and the person was trying to tell me that endorsements don’t mean anything.  I had to educate this person on how most voters seem to think, and how the party divvies out their resources during elections. Read more.. Endorsements mean a lot… In this case, The Ohio Republican Party (ORP) endorsed DeWine. That means that the ORP is going to spend their resources advertising and campaigning for DeWine. […]

Attack ads against Jon Cross told to CEASE AND DESIST.

Regarding the attack advertisement being ran against Jon Cross: MAJOR BREAKING NEWS… attached, is a copy of a CEASE AND DESIST LETTER to local media in 83rd district from the American Conservative Union, the oldest and largest conservative organization in America.  This letter is regarding a political action committee (PAC) called the Conservative Alliance PAC, which has been airing “false and misleading ads” against Jon, per the cease and desist letter. This fraudulent PAC not only […]

Ted Cruz just endorsed Mary Taylor for Governor

WOW – This should tell you who the conservative is in this race..  Just in from Cruz said: “I’m asking voters to carefully consider the choices before them this election cycle, and to stand with those who have proven themselves to be conservatives of conviction. In the race for Governor in Ohio I am proud to endorse Mary Taylor, and I urge the voters of Ohio to join me by supporting her.”|

Former State Director of the Healthcare Freedom Amendment endorses Mary Taylor.

Ohio Political Activist John McAvoy,  announced today that he has endorsed Mary Taylor for Ohio Governor. In 2010 – 2011, John McAvoy served as the State Director of the Healthcare Freedom Amendment. In 2011,  Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed Issue 3, the  Healthcare Freedom Amendment, as Section 21 of article 1 to Ohio’s Constitution. McAvoy says;  “Over the years, I’ve had an opportunity to work closely with Lt Gov. Mary Taylor on the issue of Obamacare […]