Author Archives: Ted

Taylor and Gibbons big winners in NW Ohio Reagan Day Dinner straw poll

Monday evening the Toledo Tea Party and the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition held their annual fundraiser “Lincoln Day Dinner.”  As in previous events,  the two groups managed to pull out all the stops to secure a headline speaker, and conduct another sell out attendance record. The two main events for the evening was to hear from all Gubernatorial and Senate candidates,  and then feature the main speaker,  Ohio Republican Party Chair, Jane Timken. Unfortunately,  two […]

University Toledo College Democrats score an “F” in history

This week,  the University of Toledo College Democrats (UTCD) put up a large photo shopped banner depicting President Trump dressed up in KKK garb. We’re a little confused as to the message the UTCD is attempting to send: If we view the UTCD banner in the context of the Democrat parties historical past,  its obvious the UTCD are telling their fellow students that they love Trump and are claiming him as one of their own. […]

Ohio GOP is being hijacked again

Two years ago, the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition, and other groups headed up a project that recruited and ran candidates in all 66 Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) seats.  This effort contributed to Chairman Borgess being ousted and Jane Timken being elected as the new Chair.  When Ms Timken took over the party, it was broke. They couldn’t meet payroll, phones and web server were being shut off, the bank account had been […]

Toledo Tea Party endorses Taylor / Estruth for Governor.

Toledo, OH—Today, the Toledo Tea Party announces their enthusiastic endorsement of Mary Taylor and Nathan Estruth’s campaign for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The Toledo Tea Party is the preeminent Tea Party organization in Northwest Ohio, and represents the heart of the conservative movement in the region. John McAvoy, Chair Toledo Tea Party said, “As the state director of the Healthcare Freedom Amendment, I had the opportunity to work with Ms Taylor.  She was a strong […]

Kasich’s Education Power Grab in Ohio

“Education Power Grab” in Ohio With A Super GOP Majority in the Ohio House and Senate why do they (The Republicans) permit this Governor to Do This! HB 512 is a giant power grab by Kasich (with Ohio House help) and it is on a fast track to consolidate all the education departments in Ohio and put them under Kasich’s control.  This is serious. On February 14, 2018, Representative Reineke (R-Tiffin) announced legislation that would combine […]