Author Archives: Ted

Classified memo details illegal involvement of the FBI and DOJ in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Akron, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, is calling for ALL members of Congress to demand the public release of the memo they viewed yesterday detailing the illegal involvement of the FBI and DOJ in the 2016 Presidential Election. Zawistowski is also calling for Democrat and Republican member of Congress to honor their Oath of Office and protect and defend the US Constitution which […]

Greene County not to endorse until after filing deadline

All over Ohio candidates running for governor are trying to use their political ties and recruiting efforts to get party endorsements and we’ve seen some county parties endorsing in October. Greene County had their CC meeting last night and as the Freedom caucus chair I heard rumors that Mike DeWine supporters were going to attempt to make a motion to endorse him for Governor. The leadership of the party elected last year backed by the […]

IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, admits wrong doing issues apology

WASHINGTON – Today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) announced that they have agreed to settle the lawsuit brought by the Portage County TEA Party and 35 other TEA Party and conservative groups for the targeting of TEA Party Groups during the Obama Administration. In the settlement the IRS acknowledges that its treatment of the TEA Party groups was wrong, details how it has installed procedures to […]

Rep. Meadows’ Statement on Oversight, Judiciary Committee Investigation of Obama DOJ

Rep. Meadows’ Statement on Oversight, Judiciary Committee Investigation of Obama DOJ Washington, D.C. – Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) released the following statement on House Oversight Chairman, Trey Gowdy (R-SC), and House Judiciary Chairman, Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), opening a joint investigation of the Obama Justice Department’s handling of the investigation into former Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton: “It’s no secret that Washington, D.C. has plenty of flaws to complain about—but one of the things American voters […]


AKRON, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, confirmed today that he is indeed considering running for Congress for the open seat in the Ohio 16th District. The seat is currently held by Republican Jim Renacci, who is running for Ohio Governor. The Ohio 16th District includes parts of Cuyahoga, Media, Summit, Stark and Portage counties as well as all of Wayne […]