Author Archives: Ted


AKRON, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, confirmed today that he is indeed considering running for Congress for the open seat in the Ohio 16th District. The seat is currently held by Republican Jim Renacci, who is running for Ohio Governor. The Ohio 16th District includes parts of Cuyahoga, Media, Summit, Stark and Portage counties as well as all of Wayne […]

State School Board of Ohio attempt to eliminate American Government Testing

Liberals on the Ohio State School Board are trying to eliminate American Government and History​ testing in Ohio.​ The State School Board will meet on Sept. 18th and 19th (2017) (YES, that is tomorrow and the day after!) to consider a proposal urging the Ohio Legislature to eliminate the required end-of-course testing in American Government and History. Six years ago, we were able to get a law passed for the Founding of America Documents curriculum, which guarantees that […]

Join us September 30th for this Great Informative Event!

You are invited to the OLC Statewide Event happening at the end of this month.  Join with other liberty-loving patriots from all over Ohio to stoke the fires of liberty.  We have a great line-up of speakers starting with Lisa Watson. Former national extreme leftist activist, Lisa Watson, is our keynote speaker.  Lisa is a walking talking billboard for why Christian parents must RUN, not walk, their kids out of government schools.  Using the skill set she learned on […]

Judicial Watch Response to DOJ Decision NOT to Prosecute Lois Lerner

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the  Department of Justice’s decision not to bring charges against Lois Lerner, former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the IRS, whose own emails place her at the heart of the politicization of the IRS for the targeting of conservative groups: I have zero confidence that the Justice Department did an adequate review of the IRS scandal. In fact, we’re still fighting […]

RLCOH endorses Ann Becker to replace Rep. Margy Conditt

(Columbus, Ohio) September 6, 2017: The Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (RLCOH) proudly endorsed Ann Becker to replace Rep. Margy Conditt in the Ohio House. Speaker of the House Cliff Rosenberger will appoint the successor to Rep. Conditt after her recent resignation.   Says RLCOH Chairman, Bill Yarbrough, “I have never before been as confident in an endorsement. Ann has proven her dedication to principled leadership for all Ohioans regardless of political party. She’s worked tirelessly to elect follow Republicans […]