Author Archives: Ted

Deja Vu – Ohio Republican Legislature refuses to stand up against Obamacare, Again

Four year ago, liberal Republican Governor John Kasich bypassed Ohio’s Republican Legislature and implemented Obamacare Medicaid Expansion using the “Controlling Board” Ohio’s Republican Legislature refused to file lawsuit against a fellow Republican Governor for the misuse of the Controlling board. Fast Forward to Today. The Ohio Republican Legislature,  refused to override liberal Republican Governor John Kasick’s line item veto that would have stopped Ohio’s bleeding of money into the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion system. Ohio Republican […]

Thank you President Trump

Thank you President Trump. For decades,  the liberal left media and Socialist / Communist Democrat party have attacked every Republican in office.  Sadly, the Republicans response to these continued attacks has been to cower, hide,  and capitulate to whatever the Liberals and Democrats want. President Trump is the first Republican to fight back.  He’s the first Republican to tell the leftist, fake Media and the Socialist / Communist Democrat to go pound sand. Thank You […]


REPUBLICAN LIBERTY CAUCUS OF OHIO (RLCOH) TAKES STAND ON SANCTUARY CITY TREND IN OHIO AND HOUSE BILL 179 SEEKING REMEDY (Columbus, Ohio) June 9, 2017: This week, Columbus became the latest Ohio city making it illegal to assist federal law enforcement in administering immigration law.  While refusing to use the term “Sanctuary City,” Columbus nonetheless joined Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, and other Ohio cities barring cooperation with federal authorities fulfilling their duties under the law. The […]

Gaining 10 in 2018 – What will make this happen?

I just received this from our friend Rep John Becker. ********* Welcome to the OHIO 2018 Senate Straw Poll and Sentiment Survey. This quick exercise focuses on two areas: ●  CANDIDATE: Your Republican candidate preference for Senate in 2018 to challenge incumbent Democrat Sherrod Brown. ●  ISSUES: Which issue areas and voter sentiment statements you believe will engage and excite Senate voters come 2018. At the end of the survey, you can indicate if you […]

Ohio Governors to meet in front of Ohio Conservatives

Yo’re invited to meet the four candidates who are running for Ohio Governor in 2018.  We have put together a special We the People Convention Event to be held on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at the Berlin Church in Lewis Center, Ohio. This is a private meeting intended to give TEA Party and Liberty Group Leaders and Activists direct access to the candidates who will be running for Governor. This event will NOT be a debate. […]