Author Archives: Ted


From the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (Columbus, Ohio) March 31, 2017:  After a heated presidential race but before the Governor’s race takes shape here in Ohio, it is easy to lose sight of what is happening in state politics. Now that the General Assembly is back in full session, it’s time to see what Ohio’s Republican majority is prioritizing this session.  Of interest to the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio, and epitomizing the principles […]

Ohio Conservative Leaders send letter to President Trump

Over the last 24 hours there has been a lot of media hype and reports of President Trump giving up on his promise to “Repeal Obamacare”. Leaders from around Ohio banded together and sent President Trump the following letter:   Dear Mr. President, We, the undersigned conservative leaders in the swing state of Ohio, voted for you and worked hard to bring others to the polls to elect you last November. We want to see […]

Dinner with Rev C.L. Bryant – Defending the Constitution against enemies

The  NW Ohio Conservative Coalition is proud to present: A dinner with Rev. C.L. Bryant, Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks Tuesday May 2, 2017 6:30pm Holiday Inn French Quarter 10630 Fremont Pike Perrysburg, OH 43551 Frequent Guest: Fox News. The Blaze. CNN. MSNBC. Syndicated Radio. Columnist and Author. Former two-term President of NAACP Garland, Texas. On June 4, 2014, C.L. became Host of soon syndicated radio program THE CL BRYANT SHOW. Content of Character College Tour […]

Liberty Bill Project

Are you concerned Ohio politicians are not supporting the bills that matter to you; bills creating wise fiscal policies, greater local control for education, guarantees for religious freedom, stronger gun rights, etc.? Would you like to help shape these policies but feel you have no easy way to determine what bills are moving through the Statehouse at any given time?  Further, you feel your lone voice would not make a difference anyway? The Ohio Liberty […]

Keep Your Promise – Repeal Obamacare

For the past 8 years,  Every Republican running for office said; “Vote for me and I’ll repeal Obamacare”. OK,  Your in.  Now its time to Keep Your Promise.  You said you’d repeal it,  SO REPEAL IT. I urge everyone to call your Congressman and Senator Portman.  Tell them to Keep their promise and Repeal Obamacare.   STATE DIST REP PTY OFFICE PHONE OH 1 Chabot, Steve R 2371 RHOB 202-225-2216 OH 2 Wenstrup, Brad R […]