Author Archives: Ted


FreedomWorks and TEA Party Patriots are making Wednesday, March 15, 2017 a Day of Action in Washington DC. They are willing to pay for a couple of Buses from Ohio to take activist to DC for a short rally and then visits to their Congressmen and Senators to demand that they repeal Obamacare in it’s entirety and replace it with a competitive free market system. It is going to be just down and back in one day. If […]

Restore Regular Order, Stop the BAT Tax, Pass Tax Cuts, Use the CRA

Tom Zawistowski February 15, 2017 I sent the letter below to all the Republican Members of the Ohio Congressional Delegation.  If you agree with the letter, I ask that you send them a copy as well, or write your own letter, to show your support for the views that I have expressed. To: Rep. Steve Chabot, Rep. Warren Davidson, Rep. Bob Gibbs, Rep. Bill Johnson, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. David Joyce, Rep. Bob Latta, Rep. Jim […]

Ohio A Sanctuary State For Illegal Immigrants?

By Matt Lynch Former State Representative 76th District While Governor Brown in California proudly proclaims that he will declare the first “sanctuary state” most think that such crazy talk is just part of the noise from the extreme left. The sad truth is that right here in Ohio our politicians are encouraging illegal immigrants to come to your town. The result for Ohio citizens is lower wages, higher taxes, overcrowded schools, and an overwhelmed criminal […]

OLC offers FREE web sites to counter MEETUP’s free sites to fight Trump

MEETUPs has been around for many years and was the cornerstone of many Tea party and Liberty groups in Ohio and across the US.  Over the years, MEETUP has increased the fee it charges group,  $140 a year , forcing many grassroots groups to find alternate sources to use as their communication tool.  Last week, MEETUP announced it has set up 1000 FREE meetup sites for those groups that wish to #Resist  President Trump. Several […]

Show support for Trump – Put your yard sign back out…

Akron, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, is calling for citizens to put their Trump sign from the election back out in their yard again, or make new ones, to show support for the President in response to attacks on them and him by the regressive Alt-Left, Democrats, the radical media, and activist judges, who are trying to invalidate what they […]