Author Archives: Ted

Community Outreach and the Irrelevant County Central Committee

By Jon Morrow – The single biggest hurdle for the Republican party to overcome is outreach into the local community. Many Republican County Central Committees (CCCs) in Ohio have been stagnant for decades. Primarily, this is due to the notion that the party should not get actively involved in issues relevant to Republicans in their community. County Party leaders are normally happy with a few wins rather than dominating the political landscape – so they […]

A GOP Regulatory Game Changer

After you READ this please call your Congressman and DEMAND that they repeal every last rule that the Obama Administration passed since 2009. This is an incredible GIFT that we must not squander. – Tom Zawistowski Legal experts say that Congress can overrule Obama regulations going back to 2009. By KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL Jan. 26, 2017 OPINION | COLUMNISTS | POTOMAC WATCH  Todd Gaziano on Wednesday stepped into a meeting of free-market attorneys, think tankers […]

Timken Defeats Borges Dramatic Upset for Ohio Republican Chair

Jane Timken AKRON – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, today congratulated Jane Timken for her dramatic upset victory over incumbent Matt Borges for the powerful position of Ohio Republican Party Chairperson. The original vote was 33 for Timken and 32 for Borges with one State Central Committee member not in attendance. A total of 34 votes was required for either of the candidates to win outright. After a second vote, which […]

Over 40 County Republican Party Chairs endorse Timken

Republican Party Chairman from over 40 of Ohio’s counties signed a letter endorsing Jane Timken as the next Ohio GOP Chair. For the past 6 years the current Chair, Matt Borges, has divided the party and  shown a complete lack of leadership skills that’ll be required to pull Ohios Republican Party back together. Borges shenanigans peaked last spring during the Primary elections when he misused party money  and violated party bylaws  by running attacks against […]

Support for Jane Timken for Ohio GOP Chair continues to roll in

Dear State Central Committee Member: I write to you today in support of Jane Timken for Ohio Republican Party Chairman.  It is time for a fresh start for the Ohio Republican Party, and Ms. Timken is currently the best prospect for Ohio Republicans to move forward. After eight years of failed Democratic policies in Washington during the Obama Administration, a wonderful opportunity presents itself with the election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency as […]