Author Archives: Ted

Congressman Bob Gibbs (US Rep #7) endorses Jane Timkin for Ohio GOP Chair

In January, the Ohio Republican Party State central Committee will be meeting to  undertake new business,  including the election of the parties leader.  The current chairman, Matt Borges, will be facing at least one challenger,  Jane Timkin,  a prominent Ohio Republican who stated one of her goals is to work with all republicans, and to reunite the Republican Party. (SEE HERE) Early this week we received a copy of a letter being distributed by Congressman […]

I Have Something to Say About The Electoral College…

With all the attempts to sway Electors before they vote on Monday in the Electoral College, I thought that you would appreciate reading the perspective of one Ohio Elector who has been the subject of this effort by the left to change the outcome of the Presidential election and over turn your vote: I have the honor and the privilege to cast my vote as an elector for our president-elect, Mr. Donald Trump. For the […]

Josh Mandel Launches U.S. Senate Campaign to Shake Up Washington

COLUMBUS – Josh Mandel launched his campaign for U.S. Senate today with a pledge to continue the historic national movement underway to shake up Washington. Mandel’s Pearl Harbor Day launch coincides with the 75th Anniversary of the December 7, 1941, attacks on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, that led to the U.S. involvement in World War II. Mandel officially announced his candidacy through an online video to supporters, which included a promise that he will be First […]

New leadership will restore integrity to the Ohio Republican Party

timkinAKRON – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, today announced his organization’s support of Jane Timken’s intention to replace embattled Ohio Republican Party State Chairman Matt Borges who is up for re-election in January of 2017. In a strongly worded letter sent today (copied below) to Ohio Republican State Central Committee members, Timken said; “Several members of the committee have shared with me their serious concerns about the leadership of our party. […]

Committee requests Ohio Sec of State recognize Libertarian Party

liberterianpartylogoCOLUMBUS—December 2, 2016—The five-person committee that filed petitions to place the Libertarian presidential ticket of Gary Johnson and William Weld on the November ballot in Ohio filed paperwork with the office of Secretary of State Jon Husted claiming party status and ballot access for the next four years. The five committee members, all currently members of the LPO’s Central Committee, are requesting identification of the party as “Libertarian” and an immediate response to allow the […]