Author Archives: Ted

Every Day and Every Vote Matters…

sheetsby Dutch Sheets Dutch Sheets Ministries As you can tell from my greeting, I am writing primarily to you, the American church. I am doing so personally, not representing Dutch Sheets Ministries. Though this is longer than the blogs I normally send, please read it as an urgent, heartfelt appeal. The sense of urgency I feel is hard to put in words. I have prayed and wept much over the condition of our nation, and […]

Every Day and Every Vote Matters…

sheetsby Dutch Sheets Dutch Sheets Ministries As you can tell from my greeting, I am writing primarily to you, the American church. I am doing so personally, not representing Dutch Sheets Ministries. Though this is longer than the blogs I normally send, please read it as an urgent, heartfelt appeal. The sense of urgency I feel is hard to put in words. I have prayed and wept much over the condition of our nation, and […]

Trump Wave in Licking County

trump-wave-3b_600From my friend Eileen: Hey, John, down here just east of Columbus in Licking County we have in the last two weeks had 3 Trump Waves, which have been a ton of fun and terribly effective. We stand on the sides of a busy intersection and let the driver’s see 1) that the folks who are along the side of the road really like Trump, with many of them being women, 2) we give the drivers a […]

Toledo Tea Party volunteers make over 3,000 calls for Trump

nra_phon1_1025_3_600Over 20 volunteers stopped by last night at the Toledo Tea Party’s regular meeting location to make phone calls for Trump and the National Rifle Association.  This is the 5th event we scheduled with two more remaining. NRA regional representative Ryan Bradley was on hand to help some of the newcomers get started. Ryan said: “Thank you Toledo Tea Party volunteers! We made 3,000 calls last night. But with all the bad numbers that the […]

Could Hillary Clinton pass a Security Clearance investigation?

top-secretAs a holder of one of the nations highest security clearances in our nation,  I pledged to uphold our constitution and protect the information that I’m trusted with. Elected and high level officials  (Sec of State) are read on to classified programs, with virtually no investigation into their background. I’ve been following the escapades of Hillary Clinton,  and constantly shake my head, asking myself,  “Could Hillary Clinton go through the same processes and procedures I […]