Author Archives: Ted

Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio – Convention 2016

RLC-ConventionLiberty-minded Ohio Republicans are invited to attend the Ohio Republican Liberty Caucus Convention on Saturday, September 24th in Columbus.  Top leaders from all over Ohio will be in attendance – Republicans who believe that Ohio should be a state that stands on Constitutional and free market principles The 2016 RLCOH Bi-Annual Convention will consist of two parts: The morning sessions, and an afternoon business session The morning session will include captivating speeches and educational panels.   The […]

Ohio Voter Registration Lookup Tools

OhioVoterRegistrationThe folks at Toledo Tea Party have been hard at work to supply us with two new tools for retrieving Voter Registration information. Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says: “There are over 7.6 million registered voters in Ohio. We’ve uploaded the entire Ohio voter registration database to our web servers, and have created numerous powerful search tools that allow our members to perform very in depth and detailed searches from this database and other […]

Toledo Tea Party volunteers makes 1800 phone calls for NRA / Trump

PhoneBank_1_800In a challenge to other Ohio conservative groups,  22 volunteers from Toledo Tea Party and other NW Ohio organizations got together last night and spent a couple hours making just over 1,800 phone calls for the NRA and the candidate they endorsed,  Donald  Trump. The Toledo Tea Party volunteers sent out a challenge to all Ohio’s conservative, liberty groups to match their counts. John McAvoy, Chairman of the Toledo Tea Party said; “This is a […]

Does your city, town or school really need that levy?

CheckBokk_DotComMany cities, towns, and schools will be coming to the people who pay the bills in November and will be asking for more money,  a levy. Do they really need the money?  How are they spending the money you give them now?  Could they do a better job of spending and using the current resources, Could they be better stewards with your tax dollars? Here is whats happening in Toledo,  Maybe you should be asking […]

Major & Minor Political Parties Certify Candidates for Ohio Ballot, Independent and Write-In Candidates File

Earl_JohnsonNOTE – Charlie Earls name was submitted on petitions, his name may be switched and assigned to Gary Johnson.  One of these two names  (Earl or Johnson) will appear on the ballot as an Independent.   (Thank you Gov Kasich and Ohio Republican Party members for collecting signatures and helping expedite and greasing the skids to get a Libertarian candidate on the ballot…) COLUMBUS – Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced today that all recognized […]