Author Archives: Ted

We the People Convention

wepeopleThe We the People Convention will be hosting an organizational meeting for the TEA Party for Trump project for all activist who are committed to winning the election in November! This meeting is for ANYONE who wants to volunteer anywhere in the state. Date: Saturday, August 27, 2016 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Place: Berlin Church, 5175 S Old State Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035-9254 Reservation Required: Click this link or the […]

Toledo Tea Party challenges groups to help with NRA / Trump phone bank.

phonebankTHE CHALLENGE –  Members of the Toledo Tea Party (TTP) have challenged Ohio’s conservative groups.  TTP spokesman Bill Delaney says TTP will turn out more volunteers and make more phone calls for the NRA and Trump than any other group in Ohio. Toledo Tea Party is hosting the NRA event (CLICK HERE) . We’ll have pizza, drinks, prizes, and a lot of fun. Monday, August 15th 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hampton Inn 3434 Secor […]

Making Morning Radio Great Again – Trump calls into morning talk show on WSPD

trump_010WSPD’s morning radio host Fred Lefebvre got a surprise this morning.  Just as Fred was finishing up an interview with Eric Trump,  the radio station’s phone screener told Fred that there was someone on the phone by the name of Donald Trump. Yah, Right,  NO , REALLY, Its Donald Trump….. Fred spent the next 20 minutes asking Mr Trump some hard questions, I bet Hillary Clinton doesn’t call in to Fred’s show. We’ll post a […]

Great Idea – Host viewing of Hillarys America

HillarysAmericaWhat a great idea for groups around Ohio. Toledo Tea Party is hosting a viewing of Hillary’s America.  It doesn’t cost your group anything to do this. Simply verify the viewing times at a local theater, then send out an invite to everyone from your group to attend at a certain time.  Make sure to specify the cost so people don’t misunderstand and think its a free showing.  TTP also set up a Facebook event […]

Over 9000 attend Trump’s Ohio Campaign kickoff rally in Toledo

Trump2016_2_800NOTE – Conservative groups in NW Ohio,, Findlay, Toledo, and all across Ohio played a key roll in helping Donald Trump ( and all the Presidential candidates) during the Primary.  We would like to think that Mr Trumps decision to make Toledo his first Ohio campaign stop  served as a big Thank You to all the people in Ohio, especially Cheryl Blakely and  NW Ohio for all their help. Toledo, OH – We want to […]