Author Archives: Ted


trump-nra-sbsAkron, OH:  The We the People Convention, announced today that the majority of the TEA Party/Liberty Groups in Ohio will be aligning with the National Rifle Association in an effort to elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. “We are pleased to align our efforts in this Presidential election with the NRA because so many of our members are also NRA members and gun owners,” said Tom Zawistowski, President of the […]

Trump to stop in Toledo Wednesday night

TP_LogoPresidential  Republican Candidate Donald Trump will be making a stop in Toledo tomorrow night. This is the second campaign stop since Donald Trump accepted the Republican Party Nomination in Cleveland last week.  Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says: “We’re very pleased that Mr Trump has chosen Toledo as his first Ohio campaign stop,  and unlike Gov Kasich,  Toledo Republicans will be pulling out all the stops to welcome Mr Trump to Ohio.” CLICK HERE […]

RNC Day Three: “We Like Mike”

trump_072116CLEVELAND – Instead of dwelling on what wasn’t said, I prefer to focus on what was spoken. The Pennslylvania Delegation began its third day at the convention with a breakfast of testimonies from elected Republican officials emphasizing the historical legacy that is incumbent upon us. Congressman Keith Rothfus (PA-12th District) stated that the notion of self-rule, self-government and individual rights is from the hand of God. When Congressman Rothfus said that “A Better Way” legislation […]

RNC Day Two: A Republican Renaissance

Republican-Renaissance-CLEVELAND – Yesterday, on Day Two of the Republican National Convention, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, their guests, and the media personally witnessed the rebirth of the Republican Party. I was interviewed by a journalist from Switzerland’s RTI who asked me if I was concerned that the Bush and Romney families were absent from the Convention. I explained that the shift we are witnessing represents a changing of the guard, and the invitation is always open to […]

RNC Day One: All Lives Matter

RNC_Day_OneCLEVELAND – There was a mix of excitement and apprehension for some people amidst the backdrop of national and international tragedy. It seems as though the American and State flags have been permanently flown at half-staff the past week to honor the innocent people who were murdered. Even so, there was an outpouring of support from other police officers, some of which flew in from California to serve as security for the people attending the […]