Author Archives: Ted

Being PolicyFluid in Amherst Schools

2000px-A_TransGender-Symbol_Plain3.svg_Amherst Schools are walking a fine line by promoting the transgender agenda with regard to bathroom rights, while at the same time never voting on an actual policy change to codify those rights. This issue became front and center when President Obama and the Department of Education posted a “Dear Colleague” letter informing schools that students must be allowed to self-report their gender. It claims that if a school does not treat the student by […]

Workplace Freedom collects signatures at Freedom Works Columbus event

FW_RTW_1_600Over 150 folks attended the Freedom Works meetup at the Ohio Convention Center in Columbus, Oh on May 21, 2016.  Lots of new people to the patriot movement attended.  A few members of the state wide group that are collecting signatures for the Workplace Freedom Amendment had a table set up and collected over 100 signatures from all over Ohio. Presently our processors are still counting petitions and collecting info to determine which counties have […]

CVA Road Trip – You might be interested in doing this.

CVA_Logo_Color  Dear CVA friends and supporters, Concerned Veterans for America is organizing a group of volunteer activists from SW Ohio to travel by van to North Carolina next week. The group will be led by CVA Team Leader Kelly Kohls, leaving on Friday morning, June 3 and arriving in North Carolina for a welcome reception and briefing in the evening. The group will visit homes on Saturday, June 4 starting at 9:00am, staying overnight Saturday […]

Ohio’s 2016 election results shows startling information about Republican Party

Spreadsheet_10920850_sOver the past few days, I’ve upload the Ohio Voter database to the Toledo Tea Party web site and have been crunching the data in order to better serve our NW Ohio Conservative Coalition constituents. I was able to do a county by county analysis (see Excel spreadsheet)  However,  there were 5 counties that had historical data problems, so I marked their data as ERROR. During the analysis of the data, I found several results […]

FreedomWorks to host Constitution Revival Tour in Columbus

ConstitutionRevivalTourThe Constitution is the rock on which this great country was built upon. And ever since its inception, there have been those who have tried to destroy it. But in recent years Obama and the progressives have renewed their push to destroy this sacred document. They’ve done everything from trying to pack the Supreme Court with radical liberals to ruling the country through executive orders and regulatory fiat. Make no mistake about it; the Constitution […]