Author Archives: Ted

Chronicle-Telegram Misspells “Revitalization”

sprouting-shootsWhat may seem like a “Civil War” to some may actually be a healthy discussion for others. Now there is certainly no doubt that conservative Republicans across the country have felt let down by statements, actions, and inaction’s by leaders of the national GOP. This frustration, brewing since before 2008, led to the birth of the modern Tea Party in 2009. The insurgent vs. establishment lines were drawn, and the dialog began. On Saturday March […]

The NEW Ohio Republican Party starts today

Accountability_24646748_sThe following Thank You letter was sent to all State Central Committee candidates who dared fight the Establishment. ********************** To all Republican Party State Central Committee candidates; Over the past 4 months,  The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee has had an infusion of Accountability. That infusion was provided by every one of you who sacrificed your personal lives and at your personal expense.   Because of that infusion,  every one of you are a winner. […]

Complaints filed against Ohio GOP Chairman Borges for unauthorized use of Party funds, members demand he resign.

BorgesResign_1Toledo, OH – Members, Incumbents, and candidates of the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee joined together today to demand the immediate resignation of Chairman Borges following the disclosure unauthorized use of party funds and resources. As per Ohio Republican Party bylaws,  funds or resources cannot be used to “…attack any other Republican.” in a primary election. According to information contained in the letter, 6 instances of “Attack on fellow Republicans” are documented. The attack ads […]

Conservative State Central Committee Incumbent fighting back against Republican Party intimidation and bullying

GOP_PURGEOhio Republican State Central Committeeman Gary Burkholder (31st District, Licking County) stated today in a press release, “Enough is enough!” I will no longer ignore the lies and personal attacks by Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges.” Burkholder is running for re-election to the Ohio Republican State Central Committee for the 31st District which includes Licking, Perry, Coshocton, Holmes, and Tuscarawas Counties. Burkholder added, “Borges continues to target conservatives on the state committee for removal. […]

Kasich / Ohio GOP pay for hit piece post card against conservative challenger to the State Central Committee seat

Sizemore_17_HitPieceWendy Sizemore is being bullied and intimidated by Gov Kasich and the Ohio Republican Party because she DAREs to challenge the Ohio Republican Party by running for State Central Committee  District 17. This is another reason why Trump, Cruz, and the other non establishment candidates are doing so well.  Gov Kasich and the Ohio GOP use Republican party assets and resources to bully, intimidate, and trash any fellow Republican who dares challenge or question the […]