Author Archives: Ted

Kasich / Establishment Republicans work to remove conservatives from State Committee

OHGOP_DeclaresWar_2John Kasich and the Ohio Republican Party once again show what low down dirty tricks they’re capable of in order to remove Conservatives from the Republican State Central Committee. Bill Delaney is the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee male representative for District #11 (Lucas County). In January, Bill Delaney, along with the District 11 female, Meghan Gallagher were endorsed by the ORP. Question – Why did Kasich and the Ohio GOP leave Delaney off […]

Why Conservative Ohioans Oppose John Kasich

kasick_littiltonAs someone who was deeply involved in the Republican and conservative political scene in Ohio for many of the Kasich years, I want to shed some light on John Kasich’s history as Governor. It’s important to note that not a single item below is my opinion. This is a simple telling of the facts. I do not work for any political party, candidate, campaign, committee or advocacy group of any kind. In fact, I’m not […]

Ohio Republican Party recruits / funds candidates to run against conservative Incumbents

SCC_26_CardThe job of purging conservatives out of the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) reached a new low this week as Republican party post cards began arriving in mail boxes at selected districts in Ohio. The Ohio Republican party couldn’t get conservative incumbent Lisa Cooper (SCC-26) thrown off the ballot with their bogus “challenge” to her candidate petitions, so they recruited someone in her district to run against her. To go even lower, the […]

State Central Committee – Most important vote in the primary

FB_OhioReprinted with permission of Ohio Rising.. The most important vote you’ll make in the primary is not for President, it’s for State Central Committee. State Central Committee is the Governing body of the political parties.  If you’re a Republican, this group of people are the standard-bearers of Republican principles – or lack thereof.  In recent years, the Republican governing body in Ohio has stood for Common Core, Obamacare Medicaid Expansion, tax increases and increased spending. […]

Ohio GOP attempts to bully and intimidate conservative candidates about campaign mailings

GOP_BULLYOhio GOP registered their logo on Wednesday morning, then tell Conservative Candidates who mailed cards weeks ago to stop using logo. This is just another example of how the Ohio Republican Party tries to bully and intimidate conservative Republicans who don’t fit the narrative and refuse to fall in line with Chairman Borges. Late this week, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Borges sent form letters to several Conservative Republican incumbents / candidates running for the State […]