Author Archives: Ted

Senate Bill 5 – Darn near destroyed the OLC and the conservative movement

NO_SB5SB5 darn near destroyed the conservative movement in Ohio. Friends, families, activist and leaders, who normally agreed on almost everything else chose sides. The result was a bitter war among Ohio’s conservatives, between the people and within groups that almost destroyed Ohio’s conservative movement. Sadly, I’m seeing a similar effect with the presidential races.  People who’ve been working together for years are now at war with each other and refuse to talk.  Groups are being […]

No, Ted Strickland, the Constitution Does Not Require a Supreme Court Confirmation Now

1851Senator Portman is Within His Right to Forestall  Columbus, OH – Former Ohio Governor and current Ohio Senate Candidate Ted Strickland spoke inaccurately yesterday when insisting that the United States Constitution requires an immediate vote on an Obama Administration Supreme Court nominee. His repeated assertions that the Senate has a “constitutional obligation” to confirm an Obama Administration nominee came in response to Ohio Senator Rob Portman indicating that it would be “wiser” to wait until […]

Ohio GOP asks Conservative Candidate to “Denounce” use of logo on their literature

DelaneySkaff_FrontLucas County. The Ohio GOP’s war on Conservative Republicans took a weird and unusual twist today when the Executive Director contacted Republican candidates and asked them to “Denounce” the use of the Republican Party logo on their campaign materials,   WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT??? OK – This is weird, so follow along very closely,  it still won’t make sense. Loyal members of the Republican Party running as Republican candidates for seats on the Republican Party State Central Committee are […]


RLC_IndexThe Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (RLCOH) today published its Candidate Liberty Index Scorecard for state legislative primary elections next month. The RLCOH calls itself the “Conscience of the Ohio GOP.” Says RLCOH Chairman Bill Yarbrough, “Our role is critical to the success of the Republican brand. Ohio GOP leadership is tasked with winning elections and the RLCOH complements this effort. The RLCOH helps to ensure those most likely to win are also those who […]

Conservatives launch campaigns for Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee in all 66 seats

FB_OhioToledo, OH – Republican voter frustration is evident by the phenomenal rise of “outsider” and “non-establishment” Republican Presidential candidates. This frustration extends itself into the core of the party, all the way down to the foundation. In videos released in recent weeks, Ohio’s Republicans can see how the party State Central Committee (SCC) no longer represents the people. Moral values like, Honesty, Integrity, and Accountability have been set aside and replaced with “We must win […]