Author Archives: Ted

Speech by Conservative Republican SCC candidate going viral

LindaObrien_YouTubeLinda O’Brien,  by her own definition,  is just an average Ohio Republican voter who just got fed up with the Ohio  Republican parties lying, cheating, corruption, bullying,  and no accountability for their actions. So, on December 15th,  Ms O’brien did like dozens of fellow conservative Republicans, she filed her paperwork to run as a State Central Committee member in Senate district 18. Last Week, Linda O’Brien spoke about her life, her upbringing,  and about the […]

Ohio GOP fails to purge Conservative SCC members from March 15th ballot.

GOP_PURGEThe Ohio Republican party State Central Committee’s (SCC) attempt to purge Conservative Republicans ran afoul for the second time in as many weeks. Last night the Marion County Board of Elections announced that Lisa Cooper will remain on the ballot as a viable candidate for the Republican Party State Central Committee District 26 (SCC26). The Ohio GOP’s purge attempt started three weeks ago, when they voted to endorse themselves for re-election. After a slanderous  outburst […]

Ohio GOP declares War on Ohio’s Conservative Republicans

OHGOP_DeclaresWarAs we welcome the new year, county Board of Elections (BOE) have released the candidate lists for who appears on the March 15 ballot. National attention is on the Presidential races where a phenomenon of dissatisfied Republicans has launched conservative candidates into the top 5 rankings, leaving the standard “Establishment” candidates like Kasich and Bush sitting on the side lines with single digit poll ratings. In Ohio, this Republican dissatisfaction phenomenon is spilling all the […]

Butt Out: Rep. Vitale Moves to Nullify All Federal Gun Laws in Ohio

Vitale_ButOutCOLUMBUS—Jan 12, 2015 – This morning State Representative Nino Vitale (R-Urbana) called for a return to Constitutional government by introducing a bill to have all gun laws at the federal level nullified and have Ohio exercise it’s Constitutional right to control firearms laws over Ohio Citizens. Rep. Vitale has asked all members of the Ohio House of Representatives to join him in support of this bill. Below is the text of the co-sponsor request sent […]

Endorsements Continue to Roll In for Matt Lynch

MattLynch_1Chagrin Falls, OH – As the February 17th early voting period draws closer, Congressional Challenger Matt Lynch continues to add to his list of endorsements. This week Lynch received endorsements from Beverly Goldstein, fellow Congressional candidate in the Ohio 11th District and a key leader in the NE Ohio Jewish Community, plus two of the top conservatives legislators in the Ohio House, Representative Ron Hood (OH-78) and Nino Vitale (OH-85). Lynch also landed the personal […]