Category Archives: 2nd Amendment

Documents show more “targeting” of TEA Party by Feds

Ohio_National_Guard_LogoPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, February 10, 2014 CONTACT: Tom Zawistowski MEDIA NOTES: PDF Copy of Letter and ONG Documents Attached Akron, OH: We the People Convention President, Tom Zawistowski, sent a letter today to Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan demanding an immediate investigation into what he called “an even more onerous type of targeting” of TEA Party Groups by the Federal Governement. The letter was sent after a story appeared today on the Ohio […]

Ohio House passes Concealed Carry & Self-Defense Law Reform

Buckeye Firearms AssociationBuckeye Firearms Association 495 East Mound Street, Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Contact: Jim Irvine Additional Media Information FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 20, 2013 House passes Ohio’s Concealed Carry & Self-Defense Law Reform (HB 203) COLUMBUS, OH – HB 203, a bill that seeks to update Ohio’s concealed carry program, has passed the Ohio House with a 62 to 27 vote, and will now be forwarded to the Ohio Senate for consideration. HB 203 has […]