Category Archives: Common Core


ATTENTION – Parents of Students in School Districts Participating in the PARCC Field Tests:   All students who will take the PARCC field tests this spring have had the following personal data transferred to PearsonAccess by their local school district:  Student’s State Student Identifier Code Student’s Legal Name Birth Date (optional) Gender Race Type of Disability […]


SAVE THE DATE COMMON CORE FORUM Wednesday – APRIL 9th – 6:00 to 9:00 pm Capitol Theatre – Columbus Located in the Riffe Center across from Statehouse ‘Subscribe to Mailing List’ at for event updates and alerts Enter the text or HTML code here

Ohio’s Common Core Opposition Has Its Pacifier – HB 181

imagesA primary concern of Common Core opponents is the collection of private student information in a statewide longitudinal database and the sharing of the data between local, state, and federal governments as well as with hired contractors of these agencies.  To allay concerns expressed by many Ohioans over this unprecedented access to student performance and demographic data, Representative Andrew Brenner introduced and the Ohio House passed HB 181, the Student Data Accountability Act.  After a […]

Ohio Take Heed: Common Core Crisis Hits Boiling Point in New York

images-1The New American reports that things are heating up in New York state.  Parents, teachers and lawmakers are coming together in defense of the children to end what NY State Assemblyman Al Graf refers to as “state-sponsored child abuse.”  To what does Mr. Graf refer?  None other than the Common Core standards. While most Ohio schools are experiencing the first of the Common Core curriculum changes this year, New York students have already had a […]

HB 413 Uses Controlling Board to Shut Statehouse Doors to Accountability & Public Debate on State Achievement Tests

columbus-haunts-11*304It appears representative government has become a bit inconvenient for our Governor and statehouse leaders.  In October, Governor Kasich bypassed the state legislature and went through the Controlling Board to expand Medicaid while House Speaker Bill Batchelder and Senate President Keith Faber all too willingly obliged.  We have heard General Assembly members express concern over this skirting of the peoples’ house, but it may just be a lot of lip service to old fashioned representative […]