Category Archives: Common Core

High School Student Makes Us Think: Should Our Schools Produce Robots or Free Minds?

UnknownPlease watch the following video of Ethan Young, a high school senior, tear apart the Common Core Standards. Mr. Young brings up many strong points: The Standards were a product of unaccountable non profits – not state elected officials and teachers. The Standards focus too much on data gathering and performance measurement. Teachers are teaching to standardized tests churning out one size fits all students instead of providing a broad and enriching curriculum. The Standards […]

George Will Connects the Dots…

Connect_the_DotsCompartmentalization can be an extremely useful, and even necessary skill in certain situations.  That said, one can compartmentalize to a fault…especially in the political realm, and when compartmentalization becomes a standard practice vs. a strategic one, it leads to tunnel … Continue reading


Ohioans_Against_Common_CoreSECOND HEARING TO REPEAL COMMON CORE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH – 5:00PM STATEHOUSE-ROOM 313 (same room as first hearing) Atrium with video has been requested for overflow Representative Thompson believes the primary reason HB237 is receiving a second hearing is the overwhelming support and turnout at the sponsor testimony. Our record turnout put an end to […]

Want Rid of the RINOs? It’s the Primary, Stupid

Primary electionMany people are justifiably upset about unprincipled representatives today at all levels of government. In spite of the fact that “RINOs” have been a persistent problem for years, I am still amazed to hear experienced commentators talking about how they have “had enough”, are going “stand and fight”, “start a third party”, “run independent candidates”, or “throw the bums out in November.” The bottom line is that due to incumbents from both parties protecting themselves […]

Common Core Update “Education Chairman Stebelton Jumps the Shark”

Ohioans_Against_Common_CoreHere is the latest update from (OACC). Calls are needed this week to Education Chairman Stebelton’s office! Last week there was a sponsor hearing in Columbus on legislation to help stop Common Core in Ohio. Attendance was “out the door.” From the latest OACC post, “Stebelton Jumps the Shark and Leaves Town,” We would dare say that Wednesday’s sponsor hearing was one of the largest of record and no doubt the source for the […]