Category Archives: Common Core

Ohio Teacher Speaks Out Against Excessive Standardized Testing

Unknown-5Dawn Neely-Randall, an Ohio language arts teacher, speaks out boldly against excessive standardized testing in her article which was published by the Washington Post.  With the advent of the PARCC tests (the Common Core achievement tests) and the third grade reading guarantee, Ohio students are taking standardized tests multiple times a year. Ms. Randall explains how this increased testing takes away from classroom time prohibiting children from reading “as many rich, engaging pieces of literature […]

Feds Strike Back After Oklahoma Repeals Common Core

Mary FallinBreitbart reports that the Obama administration has rescinded Oklahoma’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver in response to the state’s repeal of Common Core making it clear that the feds will not sit idly by as states assert authority over their own education policy. NCLB was put in place under the second President Bush and requires that all schools in a state meet yearly progress goals for their test scores.  Schools which do not meet […]

“Isolated Math Facts” Can Cause Discomfort for “Young Learners”

9+6Greg Gutfeld of the Fox News show “The Five” provides the best example yet of the absurdity of Common Core math as he provides commentary and plays for you what he calls a “Common Core Helper Video.” Watch and listen and you will be amazed at how our modern education system can make the simple, complex.   The Daily Signal explains the origin of the “Homework Helper Videos” HERE. WGRZ, an NBC affiliate in Buffalo, […]

Jindal Sues Feds Over Education Grants, State Sovereignty, and Common Core

thFox News reports that Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has sued the federal government over  federal intrusion into state education policy.  His suit cites the concerns of many Common Core opponents that the federal grant program tied to Common Core “effectively forces states down a path toward a national curriculum.”  Fox News describes the nature of the lawsuit as follows:   “In the suit, Jindal argues that the Education Department’s $4.3 billion grant program ‘effectively […]

Common Core Fixes in Education MBR Not As Advertised

15497735-mmmainIf the Common Core Repeal Bill (HB 597) makes its way out of the House Rules and Reference Committee, look for the Kasich administration to point to reforms included in the Education Mid-Biennium Review Bill (HB 487) as the answer to the public’s Common Core concerns.  In fact, the spin has already started.  A July 31st Cincinnati Enquirer article, “Common Core concerns Gov. Kasich too,” quotes Governor Kasich at an event at which he received […]