Category Archives: Medicaid Expansion

U.S. House Republicans Talk of Medicaid Expansion Funding Reductions

Pop Medicaid ExpansionIn the fight to stop Medicaid expansion, the OLC told lawmakers that Ohio cannot count on the federal government’s promise to fully fund Medicaid expansion for three years.  Governor Kasich and the legislators responsible for the Controlling Board decision to expand Medicaid ignored this wise advice at the state’s peril.  It is easy to ignore reasonable warnings when someone else’s money is on the line. Turns out U.S. House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan […]

Kasich Proposes Medicaid Cuts to Poor and Disabled Children

images-1Ohioans have heard a great deal from Governor Kasich about the need to expand Medicaid to Ohio’s low income adults.  While Kasich waxed eloquent on the topic, he failed to mention that doing so would mean cutting funding to Ohio’s children, those 1.2 million poor and disabled children on Medicaid. The Akron Beacon Journal reports that Ohio’s six pediatric hospitals may now suffer Medicaid payment reductions that were built into Governor Kasich’s original Medicaid expansion proposal. […]

The Ohio Obamacare Three: Balancing the Federal Budget with Universal Health Care

UnknownSenate President Keith Faber has joined forces with the Kasich-Taylor team in demanding a constitutional convention to seek a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Ohio Republicans received an email from Faber yesterday touting the passage of Senate Joint Resolution 5 which calls for a convention. Looks like Faber is in damage control mode trying to bulk up his conservative credentials after enabling Governor Kasich to circumvent the Ohio Assembly to expand Medicaid through the […]

Ohio Supreme Court Agrees to Request for Expedited Schedule for Medicaid Expansion Case

235px-Ohio_Supreme_CourtThe Columbus Dispatch reports the Ohio Supreme Court has sped-up the lawsuit challenging the Controlling Board’s expansion of Medicaid.  The ruling came after the suit’s plaintiff’s, Maurice Thompson of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, six Republican Ohio House Representatives*, and the Cleveland and Cincinnati chapters of Ohio Right to Life, requested an expedited briefing schedule given that the Obamacare-directed Medicaid expansion is set to go into effect January 1st. The Controlling Board acted at […]

Obamacare causing Medicaid enrollment jumps and a threat to health insurance system?

Stock Trader Looking At Multiple MonitorsCBS news is reporting today that more are enrolling on Medicaid in state based exchanges than are buying private insurance. According to the national Medicaid Director, Mark Salo, “We’re seeing a huge spike in terms of Medicaid enrollments.” In Washington, out of 35,000 enrolled, 87% are in Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 enrolled, 82% are in Medicaid. In New York, out of 37,000 enrolled, 64% are in Medicaid. Per Gail Wilensky, a former director […]