Category Archives: Medicaid Expansion

3rd Annual “We the People Convention” Coming to Columbus on September 28

The 3rd Annual "We the People Convention" will be held in Columbus on Saturday, Sept 28We the People Convention 4682 State Route 43 • Kent, Ohio • 44240 866-427-9257 • 800-846-4632 (Fax) • PRESS RELEASE Tuesday, September 4, 2013 Contact: Tom Zawistowski MEDIA NOTE: Convention Program Schedule Attached KENT, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, announced today that the 2013 We the People Convention will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2013 in Columbus, OH. A main focus of the 2013 WTPC will be […]

Kasich Strong-Arms on Medicaid Expansion, Even at Goodness Luncheon

kasichBigGovernmentGovernor Kasich headed to Cleveland last week to accept the Sam Miller Goodness Award at the Project Love Celebration of Goodness luncheon. He was likely honored with the award due to his push to expand Medicaid in Ohio. It’s a funny thing, but while Kasich was being honored for his goodness, he couldn’t help doing a little strong-arming. The Columbus Dispatch reports Kasich spoke with Rep. Marlene Anielski at the event and described the conversation as […]

House Pulls Spending Bill Due to Tea Party Pressure

imagesDue to nationwide tea party pressure, Speaker Boehner has withdrawn his plan to separate Obamacare defunding from the House spending bill which would have funded the government at sequester levels through December. Splitting the defunding language from the core spending bill was unacceptable to House conservatives and to tea party groups as the defunding amendment was sure to be thrown out once it reached the Democrat Senate. Thanks to all OLC members who made calls [...]

Call Today to Defund Obamacare, US House Vote Imminent

UnknownThe latest brain-child to come out of Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor’s offices is what is commonly known in the NBA as a “pump fake” where a player fakes a shot then passes to an open man or drives to the basket. has learned House leadership plans to introduce a Continuing Resolution this week which funds the government at sequester levels and includes an amendment that defunds Obamacare. The defunding amendment, however, can [...]

Kasich Talks in Circles While Conservatives Block Obamacare and Cut Spending

CirclesGovernor Kasich is all over the board these days with his policy positions and some may feel, a bit hypocritical.  It is fair to say that no one really knows if Kasich is for Obamacare or against it.  And now the governor is pushing for a balanced budget amendment while simultaneously calling for the expansion of a major entitlement. Even Kasich admits he is hard to nail down.  In a recent Columbus Dispatch article which [...]