Category Archives: Medicaid Expansion

71% of Obamacare Enrollment is Medicaid expansion

thThe numbers aren’t looking good for Obamacare. The Daily Signal reviewed the enrollment figures for the first half of 2014 and found that while 8,538,237 more people have health insurance since Obamacare went live, 71% of that growth in coverage was from Medicaid expansion. Here is the breakdown of the numbers: 6,254,564 people purchased an individual market insurance plan either through the Obamacare exchanges or the private market. But the growth in the individual market […]

Northeast Ohio Congressional Candidates Give Their Positions on Obamacare

th-1The Cleveland Plain Dealer has prepared a voter guide for Northeast Ohio, and in doing so, asked a question we are all curious about: where do congressional candidates stand on the straight repeal of Obamacare. The Plain Dealer provides the congressional candidates’ unedited responses in its article as well as a link to the Cleveland Plain Dealers’ Northeast Ohio voter guide. Question: “Do you favor or oppose a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act […]

Obamacare Trainwreck Hits Walmart

th-3The Obamacare express has taken out its newest victims – this time Walmart employees working less than 30 hours per week. Forbes reports that Walmart will eliminate employer-sponsored health care benefits for 1.2 million workers that fall into this category. Walmart wrote in a blog post announcing the decision, “Anyone who has been following the news for the last several years knows that health care is a major topic of debate. From doctors’ visits and prescriptions […]

Obamacare Trainwreck Hits Walmart

th-3The Obamacare express has taken out its newest victims – this time Walmart employees working less than 30 hours per week. Forbes reports that Walmart will eliminate employer-sponsored health care benefits for 1.2 million workers that fall into this category. Walmart wrote in a blog post announcing the decision, “Anyone who has been following the news for the last several years knows that health care is a major topic of debate. From doctors’ visits and prescriptions […] Looks at Ohio’s Ballooning Obamacare Expansion and What that Means for the Most Needy

Click to enlarge.Jason Hart of goes in depth on Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion enrollment in Ohio. Hart depicts the consistently increasing monthly enrollments which veer further and further from Governor Kasich’s lowball projection of 366,000 by July 2015. Especially interesting is the backdated enrollment that is occuring which masks the true size of the expansion in current months and then sneakily includes the numbers in future caseload reports. Backdating takes place because there can be a lag […]