Category Archives: Medicaid Expansion

Dems Want Medicaid Expansion Put into State Law; Kasich Remains Tightlipped

UnknownThe Cincinnati Enquirer reports that Ohio Democrat lawmakers want Governor Kasich to put Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion into state law.  The Enquirer explains, “Kasich is also likely to agree with Democrats’ call to put Medicaid expansion into Ohio law. Right now, the state must rely on regular renewals from the state’s seven-member Controlling Board, which approved the expansion this summer after the Legislature refused to do so.” Kasich skirted the state legislature last October and expanded Medicaid […]

ORP Retaliates Against State Reps Who Stand Up for Limited Government

images-1OLC members spent a significant amount of time in 2013 meeting with their Republican state reps and state senators about Medicaid expansion – discussing the many pitfalls in the policy and urging their representatives to oppose it.  Most OLC members came away from these meetings frustrated with their representatives’ unwillingness to take a public position on the issue.  We heard a lot of evasive responses – talk of a hybrid public/private plan, talk of Medicaid reform, […]

CBO Findings on ACA Expose Need to Repeal Kasich’s Medicaid Expansion

imagesBy now most political observers have heard the major finding from the recently released CBO report on Obamacare – the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will reduce the hours worked in the U.S. economy by 1.5-2.0 percent between 2017-24 resulting in a decline in full time workers of 2.5 million by 2024.  The CBO explains why, “In CBO’s view, the ACA’s effects on labor supply will stem mainly from the following provisions, roughly in order of […]

Kasich Struggles to Define His Relationship with Tea Party

UnknownIdeastream reports Governor Kasich kicked off his re-election campaign with a speech before the Ohio Newspaper Association.  The Governor covered a multitude of topics and was asked about his relationship with the tea party, a group, it was noted, that has given him trouble in the past over such issues as Medicaid expansion.  Ideastream explained Kasich “told the Ohio Newspaper Association that he and tea party members share many of the same concerns, such as the […]

HB 413 Uses Controlling Board to Shut Statehouse Doors to Accountability & Public Debate on State Achievement Tests

columbus-haunts-11*304It appears representative government has become a bit inconvenient for our Governor and statehouse leaders.  In October, Governor Kasich bypassed the state legislature and went through the Controlling Board to expand Medicaid while House Speaker Bill Batchelder and Senate President Keith Faber all too willingly obliged.  We have heard General Assembly members express concern over this skirting of the peoples’ house, but it may just be a lot of lip service to old fashioned representative […]