Tag Archives: feed

Nike disrespecting our nations history,

From Freedom Works: If you have not been following the news. Nike has stopped production of their “Betsy Ross Flag” shoes ahead of Independence Day. FreedomWorks has made a very clear statement: “Rather than deepening the political divide in America, FreedomWorks calls upon Nike CEO Mark Parker to bring together outside voices who have defended our nation’s values and begin a dialogue that brings us together, rather than driving us further apart. I’m sure Nike […]

Yes HB 6 is a Corporate Bailout . . . but it Replaces a Previous Corporate Bailout that is far worse!

Since we have no Representation in Ohio, we can’t get what we want, so this is what you are going to get: HB 6 puts a tax on your electric bill each month of $3 to keep Ohio’s two remaining nuclear power plants running – that will rise to $6 per month over six years. The current ten year-old tax on your electric bill is $8 per month and will rise to $9.98 to “subsidize” […]

Jim Jordan Says Dems Are Targeting Kellyanne Conway Because ‘She’s Good at What She Does’

From The Ohio Star (Anthony Gockowski) Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) said Wednesday that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is being targeted by Democrats because she’s “effective” as the House Oversight Committee voted to subpoena her for testimony. The vote to subpoena Conway, which passed 25 to 16, comes amid a recommendation from the Office of the Special Counsel to fire Conway for alleged violations of the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prevents federal employees […]

I may not like his tweets or bar talk, but Trump is getting things done

I may not like some of Trumps tweets or his bar talk, but when I look at what he’s accomplished over the past two years , I’m totally satisfied with Trump. Both Democrat and Republican presidents from the past and the wannabes pay lip service, but then don’t follow through. Trump does what he said he was going to do.. EXAMPLEs China has been ripping us off for decades, Intellectual property, tariffs, etc. Trump has […]

Ohio Strong Action Has Vision for Trump in 2020 and Beyond

From:  The Ohio Star (Beth Lear) COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio Strong Action, a super PAC, is preparing for the 2020 election. The organization, chaired by former U.S. Senate candidate Mike Gibbons, hosted the Ohio Strong Action 202o Vision Summit in Columbus on Tuesday. The purpose of the summit was to discuss “plans and the vision for Ohio races in 2020.” “We have not asked for money from anyone. I have funded the launch of Ohio […]