Tag Archives: feed

Another Ohio Republican supports Obamacare – SAD

From The Ohio Star Ohio Republican Attorney General Dave Yost announced Wednesday he would oppose President Donald Trump’s plan to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare. On December 14, 2018, shortly before the 2019 open enrollment period ended, a contentious and controversial case was finally ruled on by the U.S. Supreme Court. Texas v. Azar challenged that the entire Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. The case noted that the Supreme Court previously ruled […]

Opening in over 1,000 theaters today

Unplanned is opening today across the US.  Why haven’t you heard about it?  Simple,  no media outlets will advertise it (except FOX) The movie got it start when Abby Johnson, one of the youngest Planned Parenthood directors in the US. After she is asked to assist in an abortion at thirteen weeks gestation she instead resigns, becoming a pro-life activist. CLICK HERE – See the trailer,  visit the web site,  and go watch the movie..

OLC Statement in Opposition to Proposed Ohio Gas Tax Increase

In response to the Ohio State Legislature’s conference committee regarding legislation to raise the State of Ohio’s gas tax by 64 percent, John McAvoy,  President of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, commented: “Governor DeWine’s push for a higher gas tax flies in the face of the nearly two thirds of Ohioans who oppose it. We can’t let a bill that wants to raise our taxes and increase the price of transportation, shipping and standard of living […]

SCAM e-mail from fake site – “Liberty in America”

WARNING – DO NOT OPEN,  DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail if you receive it. This is a new version of a scam thats been making the rounds for about 2 years.  The scam says they have screenshots of you visiting porn sites,  and they demand $650 in bitcoin. The new twist on this old scam is;  They provide a QR code that links directly to their bitcoin account, AND,  this version is targeting liberty […]

Jim Renacci: Government needs to get creative to control spending

There a few things these days that unite congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, but common ground can almost always be found in a shared addiction to out-of-control spending. Having served on the U.S. House Committee on the Budget, I’ve seen firsthand how quickly members from both parties forget that every dollar spent isn’t their dollar earned. It’s an all-too-familiar story that ends up with America in a deeper deficit or being forced to accept fresh […]