Tag Archives: feed

Reuters Intentionally Cuts Camera Feed

trump.jacksonAll those liberal commentators said Trump doesn’t really care about black Americans because he didn’t go speak to a black audience. So, when he went to a black church in Detroit today, what did they do? They cut the broadcast feed, because they wouldn’t want any blacks to hear the truth and start to ask questions right? Right? See both Videos   [LINK] Share this great event with everyone…  

Roe v. Wade will be overturned if Trump wins

penceRoe v. Wade will be overturned if Trump wins, Pence say GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Thursday predicted that Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion, would be overturned if Donald Trump is elected president. “I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it,” he said during a town hall meeting here. “We’ll see Roe vs. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it […]

David Barton…looking for “excuses”

David-BartonChristians Who Refuse To Vote For Donald Trump Will Have To Answer To God David Barton August 10, 2016 My Faith Votes, the Religious Right effort overseen by Ben Carson that seeks to mobilize millions of Christians to vote in 2016, hosted another teleforum, this one featuring Religious Right activist and pseudo-historian David Barton, who told participants that they will answer to God if they fail to vote for Donald Trump. Barton ran a pro-Ted […]

NWOCC panel discusses why conservatives should / should-not support Trump

Trump_Strang_AllegriniOn Monday night,  the NW Ohio Conservative Coalition (NWOCC) hosted a panel discussion as to why Conservatives should, or should not, support Donald Trump. The standing room only event was opened with a prayer from Greg Schlueter and the Pledge of Allegiance from Ron Johns.  NWOCC Board member John McAvoy then made a brief announcement regarding conservative unity. John McAvoy said:  “Regardless of your position on Trump support,  we, as a conservative community must NOT […]

Tea Party Leaders Launch TeaPartyforTrump.org for 2016

Tea-Party-for-Trump_logoAugust 23, 2016 (Cleveland, OH) – Local tea party leaders from around the country today announced the launch of the TeaPartyforTrump.org website, which will be the online news and information center for a series of events to get the vote out in the November, 2016 election. Tea Party for Trump is partnering with the National Rifle Association in key swing states around the country, including Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. The first national event of Tea […]