Tag Archives: feed

Ohio Cities’ Pre-Sale Home Inspections Unconstitutional

1851CenterLegal Center moves to protect Ohioans’ property rights from unlawful searches and fees statewide Columbus, OH – The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law today moved in federal court to immediately enjoin Ohio cities, and the Cities of Bedford and Oakwood in particular, from enforcing “point of sale” and “presale” programs that require citizens to endure and pass arbitrary and warrantless government inspections before they can sell their homes to even the most informed and willing […]

IMPORTANT – Please take this survey regarding the We the People Convention

Unknown-52016 We the People Convention Survey What this Survey is about: We are considering holding a We the People Convention in Columbus, OH, the weekend of July 29th & 30th. We are asking you to take this survey so that we can determine YOUR level of interest in attending such a Convention. A Convention is more than a State Meeting. It includes training, organizing, debates, discussions, as well as world class speakers. It’s goal is to […]

Sign Petition demanding Chairman Borges resign.

Petition_46798490_sLast fall, the Ohio Republican Party updated the party bylaws and filed them with the Secretary of State. (CLICK HERE). The 66 member State Central Committee that you and I elected, voted and approved these bylaws. These are the rules the Republican party operates under in the state of Ohio. Yet in March of this year, one man,  the leader of the party Chairman Borges, chose to spit in the face of the 66 members, […]

OLC Statewide Event

16THOLC Statewide Event: Times that Try Men’s Souls Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Westerville, OH -NEW LOCATION- Grace Chapel Community Church 7798 Big Walnut Road Westerville, OH 43082 Mark Your Calendar and The Program is being finalized but these are in the line up so far. Buckeye Firearms Presenters Joe Eaton & Clint Lake on Gun Myths Dr. Kelly Kohls on Education Cartels Discussion On:  The Republican Convention   Gerhard […]

Ohio Republican Party Organization Meeting set for Friday, Apr 29

OhioGOPThe Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee will be holding its first meeting with the new elected members.  This meeting is open to the  public, and we are encouraging everyone in Ohio to attend. We will be very, very curious if Chairman Borges will be held accountable for his violations of the party bylaws,  or whether the committee will close their eyes to this irresponsible actions (SEE HERE) ***************************** MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Republican […]