Tag Archives: feed

State Central Committee made up of Kasich delegates

StackingtheDeckForKasich_SCCDoes the Ohio Republican State Central Committee (SCC) represent Republican Voters or Gov Kasich? Last week, the Ohio GOP SCC voted to endorse Gov Kasich, then they voted to lie to the public by telling them it was unanimous. It wasn’t, the vote was 55 to 9. (SEE ARTICLE HERE) A review of the Kasich Delegates list shows that almost 1/2 of the Ohio Republican SCC members or their spouses are Kasich Delegates, It appears […]

2016 Presidential Delegate lists posted on Delegates-R-Us web site

OH_IOLast fall, word was out that the Ohio Republican Party and Gov Kasich would not take kindly to State or County Central Committee members providing any assistance to other Presidential Candidates, especially in regards to finding Delegates. (i.e. If you help Cruz, or Carson, or any of the others, kiss your Ohio GOP job and Governor appointments goodbye) With virtually zero assistance from the Ohio GOP, these candidates were having a difficult time recruiting.  Some […]

CVA – Defend Freedom Tour making two stops in Ohio

dft_logo_2016The Concerned Veterans for America’s Defend Freedom Tour will be making two stops in Ohio next week. The nationwide tour brings together veterans, military family members, and patriotic Americans to make it loud and clear that our country is still worth fighting for! We all know that 2016 will be the year that we #DefendFreedom and take back the America we know and love — and the Defend Freedom Tour is the place to make […]

Ohio Republican Party SCC votes yes to intentionally lie and deceive Ohio voters.

OhioGOPAs the March primary election draws near,  many of these lying State Central Committee (SCC) Representatives will be on the ballot. (They endorsed themselves) Consider this, do you continue to elect someone with a track record of lying and deceiving the voters, OR, should you vote for someone who will be honest and restore integrity to the party? Here’s what happened Last Fridays Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) was a eye opener to […]


workplace-freedom-OHDEADLINE:  To be on the November 8, 2016 Ballot in Ohio, all signatures/petition packets need to be turned in by May 31, 2016. WHERE ELSE CAN I GET SIGNATURES IN WINTER:                      1. Warm weather(thanks to El Nino) libraries great.                      2. Gun shows in your area                      3. March 15 Primary election day. Collect at your polling places.                      4. Women’s civic clubs.                      5. Women’s Republican and Democratic clubs.                      6. Other Patriot and Civic groups […]