Tag Archives: feed

Ohio’s Conservative Leaders Endorse TED CRUZ for President

CCV-Action-PAC-LogoConservative leaders in the swing state of Ohio are endorsing Ted Cruz for President.  Citing issues like religious freedom, the economy, foreign policy, safety and security, pro-life, marriage and pro-family issues, these conservatives, listed below, endorse Ted Cruz. Many of these leaders worked on the successful passage of the Ohio Marriage Amendment in 2004, which was credited with delivering the swing state of Ohio, and thus the presidency, to George W. Bush.  “There are a […]


BurhholderAddressingSCCAkron, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, released a video tonight of Ohio “Republican” State Chairman, Matt Borges, attempting to retaliate against TEA Party members on the State Central Committee for having the audacity to encourage other real Republicans to run for State Central Committee seats. Zawistowski said, “Every Republican, really every citizen, needs to watch this video so they can see how corrupt, dishonest and deceitful the Ohio “Republican” […]

The Ohio Republican Party is nothing but a third arm of the Kasich presidential campaign

3BP_Logo(From Third Base Politics) Chrissie Thompson of the Cincinnati Enquirer is reporting that the Ohio Republican Party is planning to endorse John Kasich for President. In an open primary. Two months before Ohio’s primary election. COLUMBUS — The Ohio Republican Party’s governing body plans to vote Friday to endorse Gov. John Kasich’s presidential bid, an unusual step more than two months ahead of the state’s March 15 primary. State parties and chairpeople around the country, […]

OSBLC to host “School Board Essentials Training”

OSBLC_LOGOOhio School Boards Leadership Council (OSBLC) to host training for potential School Board candidates, parents, teachers, etc. Why join OSBLC? OSBLC has a big difference in philosophy from the status quo education agenda. OSBLC supports local parents, local community and educators as the primary influence of local education. OSBLC supports being informed about the role of the parent and the role of the educator, and comprehending the economic reality they serve in. OSBLC coaches board […]

OSBLC to host “School Board Essentials Training”

OSBLC_LOGOOhio School Boards Leadership Council (OSBLC) to host training for potential School Board candidates, parents, teachers, etc. Why join OSBLC? OSBLC has a big difference in philosophy from the status quo education agenda. OSBLC supports local parents, local community and educators as the primary influence of local education. OSBLC supports being informed about the role of the parent and the role of the educator, and comprehending the economic reality they serve in. OSBLC coaches board […]